from January 2012 by subject

2012-01-10 meeting minutes

2012-01-17 meeting minutes

2012-01-31 meeting minutes

[Done] Re: DM bug - editors, please fix

Datatype mappings

definition of natural mapping

DM bug - editors, please fix

Final round of Direct Mapping spec changes; please review to prepare for CR

Final round of R2RML spec changes; please review to prepare for CR

FYI: "RDB2RDF" technology buttons are now available

LC response regarding DM Appendix A.4?

LC Status and implementation reports

Making R2RML ready for CR

Meeting minutes 2012-01-24

Percent-encoding in DM still broken?

Pre-CR review - Section 10 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 10.1 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 11 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 11.1 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 2.6 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 4 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 7 comments

Pre-CR review - Section 8 comments

Pre-CR review - Section B comments

R2RML final edits

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2012-01-10 meeting 1700 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2012-01-17 meeting 1700 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2012-01-24 meeting 1700 UTC

RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2012-01-31 meeting 1700 UTC

Reminder - No RDB2RDF call today

Responses to David's pre-CR review

Review of the the DM pre CR version (Re: Final round of Direct Mapping spec changes; please review to prepare for CR)

Triples diagram updated

Troublesome reference to the wiki in R2RML spec

XSD goes to PR

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 19:28:04 UTC