Pre-CR review - Section 11.1 comments

It looks like I failed to email these comments yesterday... Richard - I am
curious what you think of these.



Section 11.1

* Step 5.3 - "For each IRI class..." - I think the word "IRI" here is
un-necessary and potentially confusing. I would strike it.

* Step 6.5.8 - "For each IRI predicate..." - I think the word "IRI" here is
un-necessary and potentially confusing. I would strike it.

* "Target graphs, a set of zero or more IRIs" - To my reading of the steps,
the target graph is either a single IRI (i.e. rr:defaultGraph) or a set of
IRIs. I don't think it is ever a set of size zero. Futhermore, I think the
steps above need to be changed to produce singleton sets of rr:defaultGraph.

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 18:07:55 UTC