from October to December 2015 by thread

typo on Glen Walker (Thursday, 10 December)

comment on Media Accessibility User Requirements Jim Tobias (Thursday, 3 December)

[AccName] clarify algorithm 4 - append / prepend / spaces Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

[AccName] algorithm clarity 2: code vs variables Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

[AccName] algorithm clarity 3: 'Due to recursion' Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

[AccName]: clarify algorithms 1 - layout Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

[AccName] detail widget doesn't work Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

[AccName] description and native semantics Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

AccName glossary Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

Making accessible name calculation readable Chaals McCathie Nevile (Wednesday, 11 November)

Wrong references in Media Accessibility User Requirements Checklist Francois Daoust (Tuesday, 6 October)

Response to your MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Response to your MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Response to your MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Response to EO's MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Response to your MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Response to your MAUR Comments Janina Sajka (Thursday, 1 October)

Last message date: Thursday, 10 December 2015 22:12:27 UTC