from April 2014 by subject

[ortc] Ability to set priority field in RTCIceCandidate? (#42)

[ortc] Undefined RTCRtpListener behavior (#48)

A small proposal to cleanup DataChannel construction.

Actions from CG meeting

active speaker information in mixed streams

camelCase for event listeners

Current ORTC API Issues list

data channel send flow control?

Delivering ICE candidates as packages of "available now" candidates in signaling

Flushing ICE candidates

headerExtensions of type sequence<DOMString>

I think we need a way to configure the RTCP SSRC.

ICE candidate search freezing and reuse of usernameFrag/password for components

ICE Gather and Warmth policies

ice restart ?

ICE use cases

Issue #26: Error handling

Issue #39: What happens when X is omitted from dictionary Y

Issue #40: RTCRtpDtlsTransportState

Issue #47: ICE candidate gathering policy

Issue #65: Section 8.4: RTCRtpFeatures

Issue 41: Support for ICE-TCP (RFC 6544)

Issue 42: Ability to set priority field in RTCIceCandidate?

Issue 43: WebIDL Section 3.2.2: "sequence" as an attribute prohibited

Issue 44: onlocalcandidate issues

Issue 58: RTCIceListener Example 6 (Section 4.4)

Issue 60: A small proposal to cleanup DataChannel construction (and also improve WebRTC 1.0 compatibility)

Issue 64: Section 2.5.1 Fingerprint attribute

Latest editor's draft

Next CG Meeting - April 17, 2014

ORTC CG Meeting - Update

ORTC Editor's Draft Update

RTCRtpCapabilities "features" ?

RtcRtpReceiver matching rules for payload, SSRC and receiverId

RTCSession object

Separate proposal on layering/simulcast (was part of the "big proposal")

Separate proposal on quality (was part of the "big proposal")

Splitting up the "Big Proposal" on layering and quality into separate proposals: layering and quality

TCP active/passive/actpass/holdconn

tcpType parameter

Using Factory Method Pattern vs Constructor pattern

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 16:34:04 UTC