Re: [ld4lt] META-SHARE ontology metamodel comments
[ACTION 11] Initial DCAT to meta-share mapping
[AGENDA] LD4LT call, 31 July 2014
No LD4LT call today
[Agenda] LD4LT call *today*, 24 July, 15:00 CEST
AGENDA: LD4LT call Thursday 17th July 15.00 CEST, 13.00 UTC
- Re: AGENDA: LD4LT call Thursday 17th July 15.00 CEST, 13.00 UTC
- update to AGENDA: LD4LT call Thursday 17th July 15.00 CEST, 13.00 UTC
ACTION-8: EU ISA work related to DCAT profiles for META-SHARE
Linked Data meets Content Analytics: 4th LIDER & LD4LT event, 2nd September, Leipzig
Trusty URIs
ACTION-7 "Check with w3c groups if there are other approches to represent languages as uris"
- Re: ACTION-7 "Check with w3c groups if there are other approches to represent languages as uris"