- From: Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
- Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:02:48 +0200
- To: fsasaki@w3.org
Apologies for cross-posting. - Felix The 4th LIDER [1] "roadmapping workshop and LD4LT event" [2] will take place on September 2nd in Leipzig, Germany. It will be collocated with the SEMANTiCS conference [3]. The goal of the workshop is to gather input from experts and stakeholders in the area of content analytics, to identify areas and tasks in content analytics where linked data & semantic technologies can contribute. The workshop will organised as part of MLODE 2014 [4] and will be preceded by a hackathon on the 1st of September [5]. The event is supported by the LIDER EU project [6] , the MultilingualWeb community [7], the NLP2RDF project [8] as well as the DBpedia Project [9]. [1] http://lider-project.eu/ [2] http://mlode2014.nlp2rdf.org/lider-roadmapping-workshop/ [3] http://www.semantics.cc/ [4] http://mlode2014.nlp2rdf.org/ [5] http://mlode2014.nlp2rdf.org/hackathon/ [6] http://lider-project.eu/ [7] http://www.multilingualweb.eu/ [8] http://nlp2rdf.org/ [9] http://dbpedia.org/
Received on Monday, 14 July 2014 11:03:22 UTC