from September 2012 by subject

[Bug 10028] Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality.

[Bug 10053] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 10206] A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin

[Bug 10263] Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript?

[Bug 10464] provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 10711] Playlist! We need it to <em>easy</em> define.

[Bug 10828] i18n comment 4 : at least by default, <br> should constitute a bidi paragraph break

[Bug 10894] [pending URL spec] Reflecting an IDL attribute with a URL should try to canonicalize whatever value is set

[Bug 10912] <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 11186] Why multiple is left out of URL/Telephone? Text/Search do not need multiple but URL and Telephone can really use the multiple attribute.

[Bug 11199] Need standard way to creating heading "streams"

[Bug 11204] Defer to DOM Parsing for innerHTML et al

[Bug 11235] Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission

[Bug 11379] [pending URL spec] definition of hierarchical URL inconsistent with rfc 3986

[Bug 11399] The ability to lock individual channels (i.e. prevent them from being updated by drawing functions) would allow for some interesting composition tricks, such as drawing directly to the alpha channel.

[Bug 11517] Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 11548] Suggestion for improved caching functionality in html5 specification

[Bug 11568] Add "dragexit" event to the drag-and-drop model

[Bug 11587] [pending URL spec] window.location.hostname should remove brackets of IPv6 host

[Bug 11592] Browsers use customizable dictionaries to correct spelling and tend to mark some names as wrong, that it shouldn't. Maybe each website can inform the browser of words/names it expects to be used and add it (in the scope of that page) to the exceptions. If

[Bug 11739] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 11794] We should handle the case of a bunch of required controls all being hidden at once — the author shouldn't have to also go in an remove the 'required' attribute on each one. Maybe make hidden="" bar things from constraint validation?

[Bug 11797] <richtext> </richtext> This will provide a default rich text widget which is scriptable and should also support the Rich Text Format (RTF) Default widget implementation should be a text area with richtext controls above it. This will enable browsers to pr

[Bug 11930] It's very common for many application to require access to the number of video frames, as well as to have the ability to seek to a given frame. Think of a video editor. There is no notion of a video frame here. We should add fields, like "currentFrame", a

[Bug 11984] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 12235] Make <xmp> conforming

[Bug 12271] <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12531] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 12734] Starting with LC2 or perhaps before, all changes need to be associated with a duly filed LC2 or earlier bug

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12990] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 12999] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 13113] Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby

[Bug 13154] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13226] Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces"

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13527] Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 13619] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13704] Re: The li element (the value attribute) What (other than compatibility with pre-html5 user agents) is the rationale for limiting the value attribute to an integer? The value attribute should be interpreted by user agents as a hint to the user agent about

[Bug 13719] remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 13720] remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme ([JSURL])

[Bug 13787] Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 13800] Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 13883] Index of methods and IDL attributes

[Bug 13958] Authors should be able to request specific modifiers for accesskeys

[Bug 13995] <track> Don't check Content-Type for <track>

[Bug 14028] remove unused "CSS element reference identifier" term

[Bug 14101] Add an event for when the <details open=""> attribute is added or removed

[Bug 14150] I am a photographer as well as a hand-coding web designer. One thing that frustrates me is the duplicity between alt="" and title="" for photographs and photographers. For instance: <img class="thumbnail" alt="David Kyles" title="David Kyles Shock and Awe

[Bug 14186] Proposed additional information for <video> Error events

[Bug 14210] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14238] <track> First argument of addTextTrack should be omissible, defaulting to subtitles

[Bug 14260] <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14358] <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values

[Bug 14364] appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14470] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 14633] Drag source and drag destination can't coordinate behavior.

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14748] inconsistent treatment of transitive dependencies - typed arrays

[Bug 14832] Check whether the encoding problems for query components applies to mailto: URLs and other non-HTTP URLs and see if we can change the definition of "valid URL" accordingly

[Bug 14895] MouseEventInit not defined by [DOMEVENTS] (DOM-3 Events)

[Bug 14970] <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information)

[Bug 15033] seamless="" should also make media queries get evaluated against the nearest ancestor non-seamless browsing context. See

[Bug 15035] "the height of the bounding box around the content" is not precise enough. Does it include floats? Absolutely positioned elements? Fixed positioned elements? (If so, how.) Box shadows and other visual effects?

[Bug 15042] Canvas test toDataURL.png.primarycolours.html fails with high resolution backing store.

[Bug 15100] Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be

[Bug 15180] Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified

[Bug 15193] draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15229] How to use @required on dependent elements with no-Javascript clients

[Bug 15254] Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15278] Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5

[Bug 15318] Define media.preservePitch attribute

[Bug 15359] Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 15450] needed method to set "current state" of a form as the "default state"

[Bug 15488] it makes no sense to limit the placeholder attribute to values of the same direction as the <input>

[Bug 15592] Feature Request: A javax.smartcardio alternative

[Bug 15684] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 15700] appcache: Prevent sensitive data from being cached

[Bug 15701] text "if none of the ancestors" is presumably not exactly correct

[Bug 15703] ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15718] Need to decide if URLs can ever fail to parse

[Bug 15723] Need attribute to abbr to specify semantic type of abbreviation

[Bug 15730] Suggestion: Introduce "content" element

[Bug 15771] appcache: avoid out-of-sync situations or cache busting when using appcache with non-sticky load balancers

[Bug 15855] After the example given for the h1,h2,h3 etc. elements is this non-sensical sentence. Authors might prefer the former style for its terseness, or the latter style for its convenience in the face of heavy editing; which is besty is purely an issue of prefe

[Bug 15953] Section title: "The placeholder attribute" "User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfo

[Bug 15965] add onreadystatechange attribute to index

[Bug 16005] Media elements: I would suggest that Subtitle support be implemented for Audio Media elements for the hearing impaired users. It should also include an api that would allow custom presentation of the subtitles.

[Bug 16022] Actually the required tag of controls are rendered as "required" attribute of html 5 elements. Then the validation will be controlled by your browser. Unfortunately "validation group" or something like that has not been introduced in html 5 (yet, and as f

[Bug 16039] Stop using AllowAny

[Bug 16051] Triggering contextual error message for inputs

[Bug 16061] Required edit should be applicable to fieldset

[Bug 16067] Consistent use of 'no value' attributes. The 'no value' attributes like "selected", "checked" and "required" are being used inconsistently in the examples throughout the HTML5 specifications. Where "required" is always used with no value ('required' vs 'r

[Bug 16106] Clarify paragraph about character references in tokenization.html

[Bug 16165] i18n-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state

[Bug 16231] <svg><script xlink:href="x"/></svg> doesn't run the script per spec

[Bug 16244] Document changes to events

[Bug 16251] s/almost always// in "Documents using the HTML syntax are almost always served with the text/html media type."

[Bug 16252] s/syntax of HTML5/syntax/g

[Bug 16253] Shuffle the wording on doctypes

[Bug 16254] Tweak wording on what the doctype is

[Bug 16255] IRIs should be in changed attributes rather than syntax

[Bug 16256] say that using autofocus="" enhances the UX *compared to using script*

[Bug 16257] Use a more compelling example for form=""

[Bug 16258] <fieldset disabled> excludes the legend descendants

[Bug 16260] data-* intended use

[Bug 16261] s/ECMAScript/JavaScript/

[Bug 16262] elaborate on noscript in XML

[Bug 16264] Should mention that window is now specified

[Bug 16313] Syntax section is incomplete

[Bug 16314] Rename heading "Content Model Changes" to "Content Model"

[Bug 16331] Update non-finite float handling to WebIDL

[Bug 16364] Paragraph: Within 'The "in body" insertion mode' the paragraph 'A start tag whose tag name is "xmp"'. This paragraph causes browser to always handle an xmp tag with a p tag as ending the p tag involved. In default xmp is a block element and this is no pr

[Bug 16401] potential typo in browsing context note

[Bug 16472] Consider DOMString? for HTMLInputElement:value IDL attribute

[Bug 16497] HTML should provide a tag called <index> so that the authors of the web pages can enclose words and phrases that they think should be indexed. This would help search engines and others who would like to index web pages. Even the web authors could use a

[Bug 16505] I would like more clarification on the concept of the term "groups" in regards to the section on definition lists found at: Quite a bit of time is spent defining these groups, for example: "I

[Bug 16540] Provide guidelines on Key System string format

[Bug 16542] Clarify abstract about "No 'DRM' is added"

[Bug 16553] Consider not firing a needkey event when a potentially encrypted stream is encountered if the key is already known

[Bug 16635] Setting innerHTML on an SVG element will parse into HTML elements. Since innerHTML is available on Element now, we should check if the context element is an SVG element (or MathML element) other than foreignObject (etc) and use the foreign lands insertion

[Bug 16637] Can we have a site heading element to contain the title/logo of the site instead of people having to use h1 tags for the name of the site. It seems to be causing a lot of confusion about what to do. Thanks.

[Bug 16651] "A valid non-negative integer representing a year" allows <time>0</time>, and the associated parsing algorithm step interprets it as year 0, which is inconsistent with all the other date-parsing algorithms that reject year 0

[Bug 16662] Feedback for the Audio and Video tags option section This standard offers many different options for what codecs to use, and as of April 8 2012, the implementations of the major browsers circumvent the purpose of a standard. Rendering the work of this com

[Bug 16675] Switch to a review-then-commit model for spec development

[Bug 16676] Limit scope of LC2 bugs to relate to items that were changed since LC1

[Bug 16737] Should MEDIA_KEYERR_CLIENT be two separate errors?

[Bug 16739] Should the format of Session ID be more strictly defined?

[Bug 16748] Clarification of the "Process key" step, as well as xmlhttp.response handling.

[Bug 16789] specify parsing of the template element

[Bug 16792] I could not have guessed from this document that <frameset> would draw a box around the included html. Only experimentation told me this. It sounds rather like a variation on <div> or <span>. The link 'represent' in the text, and its definition did not he

[Bug 16797] unclear whether role=presenation can be applied to any element or only elements

[Bug 16817] What's the difference between input/@title's and input/@placeholder's semantic? Both of them act as the user's advisor and tell you what you can do with the element. "For a longer hint [...], the title attribute is more appropriate." is the only thing I c

[Bug 16830] Provide a way to defer loading images until after the page has loaded

[Bug 16835] use of title attribute for instructions results in inaccessible content

[Bug 16842] Spec img.x/y

[Bug 16845] Some algorithms in the HTML Parser must also override the "reset the form owner" (e.g., Adoption Agency algorithm)

[Bug 16849] <track> Nested Chapter tracks should be defined for all file types than just WebVTT

[Bug 16853] <track> replace the use of "caption file" with "text track resource"

[Bug 16871] Multiple Sources With Images

[Bug 16878] Well, I'm on it again. The description on events is a shambles. I'm trying to write a course on HTML 5 and the information is contradictory or missing. First, as before, the section "Global attributes" lists what it purports to be the event handler conten

[Bug 16879] Allow style and link elements beyond the head

[Bug 16882] add input.setRangeText()

[Bug 16888] "with any leading or trailing sequences of space characters removed" - why is this needed? In dotnetdotcom's web200904 I don't see any occurrences of leading or trailing spaces in <script type>. Can the trimming be dropped?

[Bug 16899] This is a suggestion: If HTML5 would contain resource pool in each browser. i.e. all HTML5 supporting browsers would have a collection of icon set for example: someone may use them like this: <img src='chrome:://html5/res/images/alarm.png' width='512' he

[Bug 16937] Several missing references

[Bug 16939] A way to create a graph would be nice. It might be implemented as a "graph" attribute on the table element or a <graph> element.

[Bug 16945] Incorrect State Change in Tokenization: Script data escaped less-than sign state

[Bug 16946] Self-Closing Input should be acknowledged for <input> in Tree Construction "In Table" Insertion Mode

[Bug 16955] i18n-ISSUE-83: add note about why Gregorian only used

[Bug 16957] i18n-ISSUE-85: Health warning about converting date to/from incremental time

[Bug 16959] i18n-ISSUE-88: local/floating date terminology

[Bug 16960] i18n-ISSUE-89: Time zones and local dates and times

[Bug 16962] i18n-ISSUE-92: time zone vs. time zone offset

[Bug 16963] i18n-ISSUE-94: Allowing culturally specific week rules

[Bug 16965] i18n-ISSUE-97: Allowing a page to request a given locale ( normativity)

[Bug 16966] i18n-ISSUE-98: 13 month calendar support

[Bug 16969] i18n-ISSUE-104: clarify "additional requirements on character encodings"

[Bug 16972] i18n-ISSUE-107: replacement characters

[Bug 16973] i18n-ISSUE-108: encoding -> character encoding

[Bug 16974] i18n-ISSUE-109: use term 'space characters'

[Bug 16978] i18n-ISSUE-118: explicitly undefined language

[Bug 16979] i18n-ISSUE-119: provide example of language detection fallback

[Bug 16980] i18n-ISSUE-120: Non-ASCII Unicode characters in data-*

[Bug 16983] i18n-ISSUE-124: Wording on avoidance of Unicode control characters

[Bug 16985] i18n-ISSUE-126: Health warning about lang attribute in 4.1

[Bug 16998] Change sourceAppend() to take a URL and optional range parameters

[Bug 17002] Specify a mechanism to determine which SourceBuffer an AudioTrack,VideoTrack, or TextTrack belong to.

[Bug 17030] Lists should permit interleaved structuring

[Bug 17081] In the section, " File Upload state", there is inconsistency regarding the delimiters between the tokens in the "accept" attribute. The section states that the MIME types/file extensions should be in a comma-delimited list, but the example be

[Bug 17094] Define segment formats for MPEG2-TS

[Bug 17115] The first example of the menu element is about how to markup a menubar in HTML. For the markup a menu in the toolbar state was used. However, the section about native ARIA semantics describes that it's not possible to change the semantics of a menu in the

[Bug 17117] definition of meta keyword "generator" should mention effect on validation

[Bug 17118] html anchor tags 1) Did I miss it, or did you forget to mention name= attribute? (You did mention href='#name", so I suppose it is still valid) 2) To lessen need for JavaScript could you give an option that makes it work like location.replace so a new ent

[Bug 17128] Suggestion for HTML5 feature: Templates I've noticed that a lot of websites use similar-looking elements that could be better implemented using "templates" - reusable components that are transcluded into Web pages and take arguments that affect the way th

[Bug 17174] Global href and src

[Bug 17199] Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release

[Bug 17210] Form elements inside a fieldset with a @form should use it

[Bug 17284] The type of fillStyle/strokeStyle should probably be |(DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern)|

[Bug 17286] Add event handler attributes to IDL

[Bug 17298] valid character range for identifiers too broad

[Bug 17304] Over-specification in "Page load processing model for text files"

[Bug 17316] "include" support in html to enable modeled code

[Bug 17438] the term "hand authored" is undefined and ambiguous

[Bug 17456] Regarding Section "The translate attribute": If I am writing prose of fiction, and I write a name I don't want the translation mechanism to translate, then I understand I would set the attribute to "no" on that particular word. But. When I write (for exam

[Bug 17458] Add the term "definition list" in 'The dl element' section.

[Bug 17470] Provide specific guidance on when generateKeyRequest should be called

[Bug 17479] define navigator.language

[Bug 17488] Define capture attribute

[Bug 17529] Inserting multiple script elements using a document fragment isn't specified properly

[Bug 17563] Forbid use of canvas for decoration

[Bug 17573] (I apologize in advance if this shows up multiple times, submit kept giving an error) The "step" attribute of the Input tag, type="numeric": The default step for this input type is 1, thereby forcing all input to be integer only if you leave off the step

[Bug 17579] Apply 'tag' (link type) to its nearest article or body element ancestor

[Bug 17583] misleading statements about fragment identifiers in application-x-www-form-urlencoded media type

[Bug 17610] suggest video element support non-buffered video play

[Bug 17654] Clarify phrase about element type

[Bug 17660] need token relative with user identity for a new generateKeyRequest parameter

[Bug 17670] unicode-bidi value combination of "bidi-override" and "isolate" has been renamed to "isolate-override"

[Bug 17672] Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the WebM Container

[Bug 17689] tree element to display directory

[Bug 17691] General Editorial Comments

[Bug 17712] Window name lookup algorithm is wrong for named subwindows

[Bug 17725] refactor definition of media type "www-form-urlencoded-encoding"

[Bug 17745] xml:base and xml:space allowed on foreign elements, but also forbidden

[Bug 17774] "For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like," should be treated as a UI issue, and should not be restricted in what text to use. It is e.g. resonable to join the headings with ": " if the hgroup is used for heading+subheading.

[Bug 17776] WD-FileAPI-20120712 has a dynamic attribute FileReader#result

[Bug 17787] <h[2-6]> in <hgroup> should be relatively styled, like <h1> is

[Bug 17998] Clarify what "immediately precedes" means here, in particularly I don't think that would include previous <rt> element.

[Bug 18000] If you want people to try using the CSS table model, you should probably link to a document about that

[Bug 18002] It should be possible to reverse the direction of a vertical slider as well as a horizontal one, by using 'direction: rtl' or another property, so the lowest value can be at the top instead.

[Bug 18004] Specify the behavior when a dangling <section> is encountered.

[Bug 18005] "When an xml:base attribute changes" - should probably use "set, changed or removed" language like elsewhere in the spec

[Bug 18006] "When a document's document base URL changes" - removing a <base> doesn't immediately change the document base URL, since the algo that sets it doesn't run until a URL gets resolved.

[Bug 18007] Definition of the output element requires amending

[Bug 18008] Missing "be" in "For each article element, there must no more than one time element with a pubdate attribute whose nearest ancestor is that article element."

[Bug 18009] base.href shouldn't reflect the content attribute normally. It needs to be resolved against the document's URI *before* <base> is applied; otherwise "foo/" resolves to "http://whatever/foo/foo/" instead of "http://whatever/foo/".

[Bug 18010] @hidden sections should be excluded from the outline (or a note should be added, that hidden sections are included). The same goes for hidden headings of sections that are not hidden.

[Bug 18015] The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset

[Bug 18016] s/besty/best/

[Bug 18032] "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesnt cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words

[Bug 18034] It would appear that setTimeout()'s algorithm doesn't ever actually check whether the task is still in the list of active timeouts, and doesn't remove the timeout from the list of active timeouts. Similarly with setInterval().

[Bug 18035] (editorial) s/the application cache/the application cache group of the application cache/

[Bug 18036] The text about the scoped attribute and @font-face makes no sense

[Bug 18037] In step 13, "most appropriate application cache" could be nothing. For exmple, if the user "View Image" from a page that isn't cached (while the image with the same URL is in the appache of another cached page). Or perhaps you could just say UA may skip t

[Bug 18038] Grammatical issue: this is hard to for me to parse "Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one whose timeout is equal to or less than this one's have completed."

[Bug 18039] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 18040] s/techncially/technically/

[Bug 18042] onerror: Step 2 should set col to 0 also.

[Bug 18043] due to confusion over other usages of 'tag', a usage example would be extremely helpful in understanding this more fully

[Bug 18044] Should test what happens if you do from within the unload algorithms (since it calls them back)

[Bug 18046] rfc 2781, section 4.3 specifies the default utf-16 as big endian, not little endian.

[Bug 18047] I'd like to see "ldap" and "ldaps" added to the whiltelisted schemes list.

[Bug 18049] "Other node types (e.g. Attr) cannot occur as children of elements. If, despite this, they somehow do occur, this algorithm must throw an InvalidStateError exception." remove redundant sentence

[Bug 18050] (editorial) s/For each name on the list/For each name on <var>list</var>/

[Bug 18051] Missing closing quote. [[ [...] content attribute's value to "no otherwise. ]]

[Bug 18052] A definition of "palpable" should be added. As it stands, one must infer the meaning of "palpable" through the list of elements.

[Bug 18053] My apologies for renaming "credentials flag" to "omit credentials flag", making it an actual flag, and reversing its meaning. Having said that, please align HTML with this change in CORS.

[Bug 18056] Perhaps this section should include the default value for accept-charset?

[Bug 18057] The potential to have and untitled section seems like a detriment to the point of outline. Likely a usability and accessibility hurdle. Should having a heading be required? Otherwise, whats the point of having an outline in the first place?

[Bug 18059] Dispatch should link to DOM4 definition of dispatch:

[Bug 18060] control element of web form

[Bug 18061] Step 6 says to "skip the subsequent steps", but doesn't say how many to skip. Is it the same as "abort these steps"?

[Bug 18062] Type. First word of second sentence should be plural. (Element -> Elements)

[Bug 18066] "created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here.

[Bug 18067] "gopher" should be whilelisted

[Bug 18068] This section doesn't mention abuse-prevention measures

[Bug 18069] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 18070] Requiring a "plugin" for <embed> is not compatible with <embed> pointing to SVG

[Bug 18071] The ”form” attribute is listed in the index for ”meter” and ”progress” elements, but it does not appear in the definitions of these elements.

[Bug 18072] We need some way to know where we are in the history; EG the current "position" so that we know the maximum delta.

[Bug 18073] I get validation errors when using a header element inside a footer. Has this changed in the current spec, but not been updated in the validators?

[Bug 18074] typo fix :s/gettuing/getting/

[Bug 18075] s/single U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF)/single U+000A LINE FEED (LF)/g

[Bug 18077] move "commands" up in the IDL to "DOM tree accessors"

[Bug 18079] Consider renaming DOCTYPE to doctype, I think it reads better.

[Bug 18081] dom-intro is not correct wrt clearTimeout and clearInterval

[Bug 18083] The link goes to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Snapshot 2010 instead of Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1

[Bug 18084] typo: s/dom-cva-checkvalidatity/dom-cva-checkvalidity/ (breaks an xref in html5-diff)

[Bug 18086] form correctly doesn't have a legacycaller, but the domintro suggests it does

[Bug 18089] It would be nice to allow zero-padding the displayed number. Maybe even a choice of hexadecimal number besides decimal one.

[Bug 18090] For ease of interoperability with CSS, suggest adding an authoring recommendation that id attribute values consist of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, - and not begin with a dash.

[Bug 18093] progress and meter have no name-attribute? So their value is not POST or GET when the form is submitted? If not, this means an addition alement must be used to convey these values if needed.

[Bug 18094] Please review the following "2. Inner loop: If inner loop counter is greater than or equal to three, then abort these steps." It is not exactly clear WHICH steps should be aborted (inner loop steps or outer loop steps). Please clarify. Thank you.

[Bug 18096] Is it possible that the user agent may supply some details about the error in the simple event? What's the use in in telling the applicationd developer there is an error when you don't give any indication to what the error is?

[Bug 18099] In the "when entering a heading content element" section, there's wording like "rank equal to or greater", but ranks are instead referred to as "higher" or "lower". It's not clear whether "greater" means "higher" or "bigger number" (lower). This section s

[Bug 18100] AFAICT the body element isn't focusable per spec, so blur() does nothing

[Bug 18101] Switch the navigation algorithm's step 6 (canceling) and 7 (frag nav) so that frag navs don't cancel normal navs

[Bug 18102] The link type "author" description: s/document/article/

[Bug 18103] "value that matches the production labeled document in the XML specification." - document shouldn't be an xref

[Bug 18104] seamless iframe paragraph is a gigantic run-on sentence

[Bug 18105] "Note: This algorithm is invoked without a context element in the case of Document.innerHTML." document.innerHTML has been dropped

[Bug 18106] Regarding item 1: "...calls the Function with as its arguments..." - something is definitely missing between the words "with" and "as"

[Bug 18109] Throw for by checking for siblings of the root element if there's a context element

[Bug 18110] What is startDate when the timeline offset is NaN?

[Bug 18111] Its great you introduced a new interface for the TextMetrics, however it would be useful to get a list of fonts that is available to use with .font property. Including web fonts and available system fonts. naming for such property could be availableFonts

[Bug 18112] (editorial) s/pseudo-elements/pseudo-classes/

[Bug 18113] More Transferable types exist (typed arrays, at least)

[Bug 18114] extreanous '[' in example?

[Bug 18115] This legacy API is not very interoperably implemented, and has a number of design problems (such as having six boolean arguments in a row, giving the ability to expose a UA dialog, affecting the selection when successful, etc). We may just drop it instead

[Bug 18116] "last" is misspelled in "The returnValue IDL attribute, on getting, must return the laast value to which it was set."

[Bug 18118] Should cellIndex return -1 if the cell has no parent tr?

[Bug 18119] The exact effect of cancelling a navigation doesn't seem to be well defined. This should be defined and we should be clear on e.g. whether this prevents the load event firing, what happens to readyState, etc.

[Bug 18120] Bad value page-topic for attribute name on XHTML element meta: Keyword page-topic is not registered.

[Bug 18121] It's unclear here and elsewhere what it means to "cancel the navigation", and what effects it will have e.g. on the parser (presumably it will be like getting EOF?). Could this be clarified?

[Bug 18122] Update [CSSVALUES] editors: now howcome, TabAtkins, fantasai

[Bug 18124] Consider supporting ending comments with --!> in prescan. (The dashes can't overlap with <!--, though.)

[Bug 18125] Please give the algorithm for parsing legacy font sizes a name so other specs (e.g., the editing spec) can reference it.

[Bug 18126] Contrary to the CSS Fonts spec, <font size=1> maps to font-size: x-small in browsers, not xx-small. Tested in mozilla-central, Chrome 20 dev, Opera Next 12.00 alpha, IE10 Developer Preview: <!doctype html> <span style="font-size:xx-small">xx-small</span>

[Bug 18131] How to deal with redundant slashes in url of resources listed in manifest file? i.e. /directory///test.js was storaged in local as, when user agent fetch test.js will failed to fetch it from local since http://ww

[Bug 18132] Offline Application Caching

[Bug 18133] "User agents may support other MIME types and other languages." - the list for JavaScript should be complete such that UAs must not support other MIME types for JavaScript.

[Bug 18134] it shoukd be specified whether id attribute value is case sensitive

[Bug 18135] multipart/form-data: field name encoding is not specified; browsers do incompatible things

[Bug 18137] This sentence is not easy to understand: "Style sheets can be used to format i elements, just like any other element can be restyled." It may be grammatically correct but it's not good style.

[Bug 18138] Typo in the :Note:" section : s/unncessarily/unnecessary/.

[Bug 18139] when the short syntax <!DOCTYPE html> is used, how shoould be handled enties (for example &times;) ? see!msg/chrome/nHkIpswy3uE/yzL2K550NbwJ

[Bug 18140] maxlength should probably be complicated with minlength. Seeing maxlength applied to passwords made me think of this, and the added security of a minimum length could be promoted in the documentation.

[Bug 18141] XHTML syntax description is lacking or misphrased

[Bug 18145] The `accept` attribute is specified to consist of a set of comma-separated tokens, but the provided example uses a set of space-separated tokens.

[Bug 18148] Please clarify if edit-ability inherits across <iframe seamless> and if we should respect iframe.contentDocument.designMode

[Bug 18149] According to the text an embed is only active if the scr attribute is missing or the empty string. That doesn't seem right at all.

[Bug 18151] make autofocus="" work when showModal() is called

[Bug 18153] WF2: When adding filenames to the data set, should there be normalization of decomposed forms?

[Bug 18156] "_Queue_ the /task/ _task_." has the two tasks inverted.

[Bug 18157] typo in first sentence, s/pizze/pizza/

[Bug 18158] This is not any more true since pub rules has been updated

[Bug 18159] The example <input type="file"> "accept" attribute is a space separated list instead of the required comma separated list.

[Bug 18160] Nothing seems to define what the "any... args" parameters do.

[Bug 18163] Missing verb after "whose ... value ..." or change "whose" to "who share the same"

[Bug 18164] The srcset attribute is poorly conceived and much inferior to the proposed <picture>-element.

[Bug 18166] srcset is wrong and hard to read

[Bug 18167] It would be nice to have a very brief and clear explanation of the distinction and relationship between <section>, <article> and <hgroup>. As if now it is rather confusing.

[Bug 18169] <track> The DOM API should be able to read and set the "auto" value for TextTrackCue.line

[Bug 18170] the poster attribute's value relative to the element

[Bug 18171] '"2x" means "maximum pixel density of 2 device pixels per CSS pixel"' the algorithm actually treats this as a minimum so this note should be reworded.

[Bug 18174] In "process the image candidates", should step 10 (advance past comma) end with "jump to the step labeled splitting loop"?

[Bug 18175] what is 'Killing scripts'?

[Bug 18177] In the statement that begins "There must not be two image candidate strings [...]", something is missing before the semi colon.

[Bug 18179] <track> Which Document is used, when the cue is not associated with any media element?

[Bug 18182] <track> track might not be associated with a media element (step 4).

[Bug 18187] Need to define processing model for style and link

[Bug 18189] "The DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface must not exist ..." s/interface/interface object/ ?

[Bug 18190] Track selection cannot be performed (synchronously) per inserted track

[Bug 18191] Remove the missing value default for formmethod=""

[Bug 18192] In step 10, both occurrences of "the element" should be replaced with "current" so it's clear which element is meant

[Bug 18193] It's not clear whether "The HTMLPropertiesCollection interface represents a collection of elements that add name-value pairs to a particular item in the microdata model." is a normative requirement

[Bug 18195] HTMLCollection.prototype.namedItem behavior not defined for HTMLPropertiesCollection

[Bug 18196] There is no need to have legacycaller on HTMLPropertiesCollection

[Bug 18199] 'As does this, because everything...' doesn't make sense

[Bug 18200] The various definitions in this section should be linked from places they are used (usages of "empty", at least, are unlinked)

[Bug 18202] Consider adding the 'magnet' scheme to the whitelisted schemes for torrent clients which possess a web interface (Such as Deluge or Transmission)

[Bug 18203] Grammar/parsing/sentence construction problem: "This parsed into different Documents than the one the parser was created for do not execute"

[Bug 18204] Missing datalist {display:none} ?

[Bug 18208] <track> missed cues will include all past cues from a newly enabled track

[Bug 18210] Why is this an empty element with attributes label and icon? These two attributes should get deleted and content should be allowed that can be styled.

[Bug 18212] <track> Need to await a stable state before assigning /URL/ in the first run

[Bug 18213] void addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions options);

[Bug 18215] No CORS and not-same-origin should not fetch the URL

[Bug 18216] <track> should not load without a media element parent

[Bug 18217] <track> Sort cues by insertion order, not creation order

[Bug 18222] <track> This constructor is horrible. Too many arguments. Also, settings as a string? Ugh. Can we make it have one argument that takes an object with id, startTime, endTime, text, pauseOnExit and all the settings as properties instead? e.g. new TextTrackC

[Bug 18223] how do you set up the tracks in the html?

[Bug 18224] (editorial) returns a CSSStyleDeclaration when the attribute is absent too. (It's just a bit unclear from this sentence, while the IDL is pretty clear.)

[Bug 18225] The name of type=file entries should still normalize CR/LF (the "End" step).

[Bug 18226] The td[nowrap], th[nowrap] rule should be replaced with

[Bug 18228] Step 10 of this algorithm only considers ";" whereas Gecko/WebKit and soon Opera also accept ",".

[Bug 18232] `entities.json` uses invalid syntax and has incorrect content

[Bug 18234] Invalid IDL of SelectionMode

[Bug 18235] <track> Removing a cue should disassociate the cue from the track. "Once a text track cue is associated with a particular text track, the association is permanent."

[Bug 18236] add a word, such as "to", to: Guidance on how provide such information is given below

[Bug 18237] there is need for shemes: ssh, sip

[Bug 18238] Please add a definition for "being in a forms collection". The intuitive meaning is that it is document.forms, hence covering all forms in the document. The expression "the forms collection that it is in, if any" is thus confusing.

[Bug 18239] please make it in a "pdf" format and let us download and study offline....

[Bug 18240] Add "media elements that are exposing a user interface to the user" to the list

[Bug 18241] Allow ("may") UAs to make any element focusable if they so wish

[Bug 18243] (purely editoral) The title doesn't match the document referenced.

[Bug 18244] Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way.

[Bug 18245] Conveying state of an Active tab in tabbed panels to Assistive Technologies like screen readers

[Bug 18248] <video> should allow UAs to "expose a user interface to the user" if the user asks for it (e.g. from the context menu, which several browsers support)

[Bug 18250] last paragraph of progress element desc. mentions labels attr, not listed at top of element definition

[Bug 18251] blockquote, figure: Margins should not be put in pixels because they don't scale well.

[Bug 18252] (editorial) Link "avalible" to #img-yes

[Bug 18253] typo "or explicit ignored"; should be "or explicitly ignored"

[Bug 18254] table needs box-sizing:border-box (all rendering modes)

[Bug 18255] I don't think [TreatNonCallableAsNull] is necessary on this callback, since if a non-Function is passed it will be converted to a string according to the other overload. That DOMString overload also doesn't need [AllowAny] as that is now the default beha

[Bug 18256] "with the callback this value set to the E's currentTarget" =~ s/to the/to/

[Bug 18257] <track> The UA-defined label should not be exposed in the DOM API. DOM API should see the empty string instead.

[Bug 18258] Image inputs with no image should fall back to non-replaced elements, just like normal images

[Bug 18259] "The close() method on Window objects should... close the browsing context". What does it mean to "close a browsing context"? Are any event handlers triggered e.g. beforeunload?

[Bug 18261] This needs to have a locale attribute so that teh "valid floating point number" can be parsed properly for the locale. (eg. "en-US" would have 12345.67 and "de-DE" would have 12345,67)

[Bug 18263] Should ordered list numbering consider list items in child blocks?

[Bug 18264] If this input type is meant to represent the ISO week number of the Gregorian calendar, then this description should say so in order to be explicit and unambiguous about it. If not, then some of the description should change. For example, "... on the morn

[Bug 18265] This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here, or this type should be rethought to be more inclusive of the Hebrew and Arabic civil calendars. The step function for example is by whole months from January 1970. Wit

[Bug 18266] Need to be explicit that this means a yearless date in the Gregorian calendar.

[Bug 18267] This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here, or this type should be rethought to be more inclusive of other calendars.The text "midnight UTC on the morning of the parsed date" should be "the midnight UTC that is

[Bug 18268] This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here.

[Bug 18269] This should be explicit that this means the ISO 8601 week number.

[Bug 18270] Use an array for the names member rather than DOMStringList. DOMStringList is silly.

[Bug 18271] pushState()'s third argument being null (and maybe undefined) needs to be ignored as it breaks YUI. I suggest making it nullable and ignoring null in prose, that should be sufficient. (Gecko treats null as the empty string here, stringifies undefined at t

[Bug 18272] more explanation needed for setting the cache mode setting. What exactly does prefer-online and fast cache modes do?

[Bug 18273] Can the cache mode setting be made more clear in terms of the behaviour difference between fast and prefer-online (

[Bug 18275] equivanet -> equivalent

[Bug 18276] <meta name="classification" content="Film Editor">

[Bug 18277] Consider mode being "No CORS" and URL is same-origin. The fetch results in a redirect whose URL is also same-origin. The spec says to apply the CORS "redirect steps". Shouldn't it do the redirect without CORS when it's same-origin?

[Bug 18278] This definition of "stops parsing" combined with the definition of when an iframe delays the load event of its parent document seems like it will produce the wrong order of events; the iframe should continue to delay the load until after the steps here ha

[Bug 18279] Specification should be clearer about when the downloading of the application cache starts. "These events are delayed until after the load event has fired." is a bit misleading. The chrome developer team interprets it as: Start downloading all resources f

[Bug 18280] When resources are downloaded from the server because of the manifest file, the referrer should be set accordingly

[Bug 18281] colSpan should not be "limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero" (browsers don't throw when assigning 0)

[Bug 18283] Getting unsigned long only returns values in the range 0 to 2^31-1, but setting allows 0 to 2^32-1. Why this assymetry?

[Bug 18286] "When these ... attributes are used with input elements while they don't apply...." - here the word 'used' is unclear. I assume it refers to [[Put]] and [[Get]] but not other property operations but that isn't clear.

[Bug 18287] There should be a way to group related dt/dd elements. For example, allowing div tags to be nested in a dl would help tremendously with styling the dt/dd child elements.

[Bug 18290] Consider making `null` for reflecting IDL attributes remove the content attribute

[Bug 18291] It's unclear here and elsewhere what it means to "cancel the navigation", and what effects it will have e.g. on the parser (presumably it will be like getting EOF?). Could this be clarified, perhaps by rewriting in terms of the abort algorithm?

[Bug 18295] <track> data: URLs should be supported

[Bug 18297] MS's "Eric Law" full name is Eric Lawrence

[Bug 18298] "The script element gets inserted into a document." - is the order defined if multiple script elements are simultaneously inserted? What about the relative order of other things that happen on insertion and script elements?

[Bug 18300] i18n-ISSUE-110: Contact information for meta extensions registry

[Bug 18301] event not selected

[Bug 18302] "The cookie attribute represents the cookies of the resource from which the Document was created." is no longer accurate since r7159

[Bug 18303] typo: "associatd" instead of "associated"

[Bug 18318] PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow

[Bug 18342] css borders for tables ugly on all browsers, want border="n" back

[Bug 18364] update "[ABOUT]" reference

[Bug 18365] register about URIs defined by HTML5

[Bug 18384] Consider adding an adaptive image element

[Bug 18385] Programmatic association of a page element to a 'description' text in a different uri

[Bug 18386] Ad-Insertion support

[Bug 18394] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: parent browsing context defines encoding default

[Bug 18396] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Add an XML check as a step zero

[Bug 18397] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Clarify what "information on the likely encoding" covers

[Bug 18438] The Table summary attribute

[Bug 18450] Consider adding a screen capture example

[Bug 18490] make any element with an explicit lang or dir attribute bidi-isolated by default

[Bug 18508] Media-type registrations should include clipboard flavor names

[Bug 18542] onmousewheel attribute should be replaced with onwheel

[Bug 18574] @hidden should have a weak mapping to aria-hidden=true

[Bug 18577] Redundant requirements to seek when duration changes

[Bug 18587] Define clearly what data is removed when setting an explicit duration

[Bug 18589] Unclear behavior when failing to attach to a media element

[Bug 18592] How much is "enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback"

[Bug 18622] endOfStream("decode") when HTMLMediaElement.readyState == HAVE_NOTHING

[Bug 18624] endOfStream("network") issues

[Bug 18634] Removing SourceBuffers in "Detaching from a media element"

[Bug 18642] Handle timestamp overflow in append(data)

[Bug 18660] Run endOfStream("decode") instead of "the media element's error handling code"

[Bug 18666] Define what HTMLMediaElement.seekable returns

[Bug 18708] Allow SourceBuffer.append() in "ended" readyState.

[Bug 18709] Add SourceBuffer.remove() method

[Bug 18709] Add SourceBuffer.reset() method

[Bug 18711] Contents of HTML5+Microdata specification appearing in HTML5 ED

[Bug 18726] First example in the <nav> element section assumes Microdata

[Bug 18727] First example in the <article> element section assumes Microdata

[Bug 18728] Example in the <time> element section assumes Microdata

[Bug 18744] drop WAI-ARIA scope restriction in the text adopted in ISSUE-204

[Bug 18745] Reword text adopted by ISSUE-204 to avoid certain implications

[Bug 18765] New: Import tests at

[Bug 18773] New: Update diagram in Section 1 to match O-O design changes

[Bug 18773] Update diagram in Section 1 to match O-O design changes

[Bug 18787] Canvas fallback is not activated on script failure

[Bug 18787] New: Canvas fallback is not activated on script failure

[Bug 18790] New: Describing cell for an header cell in a data table

[Bug 18791] New: Reducing data table size based on the row grouping, column grouping combined with the table header cell structure

[Bug 18793] New: Remove Sentence as requested by Formal Objection on HTML Issue-204 Decision

[Bug 18793] Remove Sentence as requested by Formal Objection on HTML Issue-204 Decision

[Bug 18799] New: Output tag needs a closing tag

[Bug 18799] Output tag needs a closing tag

[Bug 18807] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Aliens?</title> </head> <body>Why yes.</body> </html>

[Bug 18815] Correct the reference to PPUTF8

[Bug 18815] New: Correct the reference to PPUTF8

[Bug 18816] change lang declaration for HTML5 spec

[Bug 18816] New: change lang declaration for HTML5 spec

[Bug 18819] New: Error with link to figure element in section 'Text Level Semantics' paragraph 1

[Bug 18823] html parsing algorithm possible bug wrt <p> & <div>

[Bug 18823] New: html parsing algorithm possible bug wrt <p> & <div>

[Bug 18831] Global Care

[Bug 18848] Error in HTML code example for the blockquote element

[Bug 18848] New: Error in HTML code example for the blockquote element

[Bug 18859] New: Update spec to match latest ISSUE-204 wording

[Bug 18859] Update spec to match latest ISSUE-204 wording

[Bug 18865] New: <track> specify what happens with cues whose start/end times are outside the video timeline

[Bug 18875] New: setter creator on HTMLSelectElement/HTMLOptionsCollection should take a nullable HTMLOptionElement

[Bug 18875] setter creator on HTMLSelectElement/HTMLOptionsCollection should take a nullable HTMLOptionElement

[Bug 18882] New: Remove RFC4770 from list of references

[Bug 18883] Change Content-Language pragma to obeying the last pragma

[Bug 18883] New: Change Content-Language pragma to obeying the last pragma

[Bug 18884] New: Please refer to appendChild / replaceChild in the "set the value of a new indexed property" algorithm for for HTMLOptionsCollection

[Bug 18884] Please refer to appendChild / replaceChild in the "set the value of a new indexed property" algorithm for for HTMLOptionsCollection

[Bug 18885] Make sure to define isPointInPath(path, x, y)

[Bug 18885] New: Make sure to define isPointInPath(path, x, y)

[Bug 18886] Change how <script> is handled in re-entrant parser situations when there's a blocking style sheet.

[Bug 18886] New: Change how <script> is handled in re-entrant parser situations when there's a blocking style sheet.

[Bug 18890] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ... <title>CB</title> <body><h1>CBCBCBCBCB</h1></body> </html>

[Bug 18904] change text in 'status of this document' to remove inaccuracies

[Bug 18904] New: change text in 'status of this document' to remove inaccuracies

[Bug 18911] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 18915] Encouraged cite attribute behavior is unlikely to be implemented and so should be dropped

[Bug 18915] New: Encouraged cite attribute behavior is unlikely to be implemented and so should be dropped

[Bug 18918] New: typos/grammar nits in section 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 18918] typos/grammar nits in section 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 18920] addSourceBuffer parameter type should be optional

[Bug 18920] New: addSourceBuffer parameter type should be optional

[Bug 18921] append(data) should accept any part of media segment

[Bug 18921] New: append(data) should accept any part of media segment

[Bug 18922] Add a parser free, codec agnostic example

[Bug 18922] New: Add a parser free, codec agnostic example

[Bug 18927] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 18928] MediaKeySession IDL should list EventHandler attributes for onkeymessage and onkeyerror

[Bug 18928] New: MediaKeySession IDL should list EventHandler attributes for onkeymessage and onkeyerror

[Bug 18929] New: MediaStream as source for media elements

[Bug 18932] Make Opus audio codec mandatory for <audio>

[Bug 18932] New: Make Opus audio codec mandatory for <audio>

[Bug 18933] New: Segment byte boundaries are not defined

[Bug 18933] Segment byte boundaries are not defined

[Bug 18934] Clarify what is conforming if extension specifications are used

[Bug 18934] New: Clarify what is conforming if extension specifications are used

[Bug 18943] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <style> .fixed { position:fixed; } .overlayA { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); position: absolute; top: 0px; z-index: 1; } .overlayB { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.8); position: absolute;

[Bug 18944] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <style> .fixed { position:fixed; } .overlayA { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8); position: absolute; top: 0px; z-index: 1; } .overlayB { background-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.8); position: absolute;

[Bug 18950] consider to make <meta> accepting <meta> children

[Bug 18950] consider to make <meta> accepting more <meta> children

[Bug 18950] New: consider to make <meta> accepting more <meta> children

[Bug 18952] New: Sec. 7.1 Hidden Content still lacks a specified mechanism to enable user agents to programmatically distinguish two conflicting use cases

[Bug 18952] Sec. 7.1 Hidden Content still lacks a specified mechanism to enable user agents to programmatically distinguish two conflicting use cases

[Bug 18960] New: Define how & are generated

[Bug 18962] Allow appending with XHR

[Bug 18962] New: Allow appending with XHR

[Bug 18963] New: Provide a mechanism for rate limiting appending

[Bug 18967] New: Remove addElement() from drag and drop interface

[Bug 18967] Remove addElement() from drag and drop interface

[Bug 18968] Add note on implicit form submission

[Bug 18968] New: Add note on implicit form submission

[Bug 18970] Clarify script disabling wrt a change of browsing context

[Bug 18970] New: Clarify script disabling wrt a change of browsing context

[Bug 18971] New: TextTrack should have an id attribute

[Bug 18972] New: The referrer isn't always a Document

[Bug 18975] New: registerContentHanlder and registerProtocolHandler open huge security and privacy holes

[Bug 18975] registerContentHanlder and registerProtocolHandler open huge security and privacy holes

[Bug 18979] New: provide way to guarantee order of execution for async scripts

[Bug 18988] Allow explicit grouping of <dt> and <dd> elements

[Bug 18988] New: Allow explicit grouping of <dt> and <dd> elements

[Bug 18997] Define a process for integrating extension specs during CR

[Bug 18997] New: Define a process for integrating extension specs during CR

[Bug 18998] Define a process for dropping nominated at-risk features early in CR

[Bug 18998] Define a process for removing nominated at-risk features early in CR

[Bug 18998] New: Define a process for dropping nominated at-risk features early in CR

[Bug 19009] New: A MediaKeys should belong to a single HTMLMediaElement.

[Bug 19013] Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 19013] New: Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 19014] Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources

[Bug 19014] New: Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources

[Bug 19015] Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 19015] New: Enhancement: Set only single component for each pixel

[Bug 19016] Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 19016] New: Microdata doesn't allow marking up content with multiple vocabularies

[Bug 19017] Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default.

[Bug 19017] New: Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default.

[Bug 19018] New: provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 19018] provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec

[Bug 19019] i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 19019] New: i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 19020] <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content

[Bug 19020] New: <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content

[Bug 19021] A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin

[Bug 19021] New: A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin

[Bug 19022] New: Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type

[Bug 19022] Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type

[Bug 19023] Need standard way to creating heading "streams"

[Bug 19023] New: Need standard way to creating heading "streams"

[Bug 19024] <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion

[Bug 19024] New: <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion

[Bug 19025] Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)

[Bug 19025] New: Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)

[Bug 19026] I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 19026] New: I would like to see a clearPath or clearStroke functions similar to clearRect but to clear lines, not just full rectangles

[Bug 19027] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 19027] New: Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 19028] New: Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission

[Bug 19028] Support a rel attribute that restricts cookie transmission

[Bug 19029] Maybe there could be a function to specify a cache manifest in the API so that instead of the application asking for offline storage when the page loads, some JavaScript can be used to request storage when the user clicks on a "Use Offline Mode" link.

[Bug 19029] New: Maybe there could be a function to specify a cache manifest in the API so that instead of the application asking for offline storage when the page loads, some JavaScript can be used to request storage when the user clicks on a "Use Offline Mode" link.

[Bug 19030] [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">)

[Bug 19030] New: [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">)

[Bug 19031] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 19031] New: It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 19032] New: Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript?

[Bug 19032] Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript?

[Bug 19033] <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG

[Bug 19033] New: <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG

[Bug 19034] New: Playlist! We need it to <em>easy</em> define.

[Bug 19034] Playlist! We need it to <em>easy</em> define.

[Bug 19035] New: We should handle the case of a bunch of required controls all being hidden at once — the author shouldn't have to also go in an remove the 'required' attribute on each one. Maybe make hidden="" bar things from constraint validation?

[Bug 19035] We should handle the case of a bunch of required controls all being hidden at once — the author shouldn't have to also go in an remove the 'required' attribute on each one. Maybe make hidden="" bar things from constraint validation?

[Bug 19036] New: Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 19036] Simplify <video> for implementors and authors by ignoring the Content-Type HTTP header

[Bug 19037] Browsers use customizable dictionaries to correct spelling and tend to mark some names as wrong, that it shouldn't. Maybe each website can inform the browser of words/names it expects to be used and add it (in the scope of that page) to the exceptions. If

[Bug 19037] New: Browsers use customizable dictionaries to correct spelling and tend to mark some names as wrong, that it shouldn't. Maybe each website can inform the browser of words/names it expects to be used and add it (in the scope of that page) to the exceptions. If

[Bug 19038] It's very common for many application to require access to the number of video frames, as well as to have the ability to seek to a given frame. Think of a video editor. There is no notion of a video frame here. We should add fields, like "currentFrame", a

[Bug 19038] New: It's very common for many application to require access to the number of video frames, as well as to have the ability to seek to a given frame. Think of a video editor. There is no notion of a video frame here. We should add fields, like "currentFrame", a

[Bug 19039] Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 19039] New: Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context>

[Bug 19040] New: Suggestion for improved caching functionality in html5 specification

[Bug 19040] Suggestion for improved caching functionality in html5 specification

[Bug 19041] Add "dragexit" event to the drag-and-drop model

[Bug 19041] New: Add "dragexit" event to the drag-and-drop model

[Bug 19042] New: Why multiple is left out of URL/Telephone? Text/Search do not need multiple but URL and Telephone can really use the multiple attribute.

[Bug 19042] Why multiple is left out of URL/Telephone? Text/Search do not need multiple but URL and Telephone can really use the multiple attribute.

[Bug 19043] New: The ability to lock individual channels (i.e. prevent them from being updated by drawing functions) would allow for some interesting composition tricks, such as drawing directly to the alpha channel.

[Bug 19043] The ability to lock individual channels (i.e. prevent them from being updated by drawing functions) would allow for some interesting composition tricks, such as drawing directly to the alpha channel.

[Bug 19044] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 19044] New: Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 19045] Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection

[Bug 19045] New: Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection

[Bug 19046] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 19046] New: Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 19047] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 19047] New: how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 19048] multi-manifest R needed. The URLs can be separated with a common(manifest ="content.manifest,structure.manifest,scripts.manifest"). Having more then one manifest cache file would allow separation control of cache. Many websites and apps can use multi-mani

[Bug 19048] New: multi-manifest R needed. The URLs can be separated with a common(manifest ="content.manifest,structure.manifest,scripts.manifest"). Having more then one manifest cache file would allow separation control of cache. Many websites and apps can use multi-mani

[Bug 19049] New: Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 19049] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 19050] Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 19050] New: Microdata: Language handling

[Bug 19051] New: slotIndices (new IDL attribute): collection of all col-row intersections (slots) the cell spans

[Bug 19051] slotIndices (new IDL attribute): collection of all col-row intersections (slots) the cell spans

[Bug 19052] New: Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 19052] Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects.

[Bug 19053] An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 19053] New: An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 19054] New: The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 19054] The footer element (Sections, Elements of HTML). Request for clarification. Re: Interaction of <blockquote> with the prohibition on nested <footer>s. "When the footer element contains entire sections, they represent appendices, indexes, long colophons, ve

[Bug 19055] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 19055] New: HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 19056] Need to expose media metadata properties

[Bug 19056] New: Need to expose media metadata properties

[Bug 19057] Media elements should provide a "next" property to gaplessly play back another media object after it has finished. This woud allow proper playback of gapless albums and an in-browser implementation of HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.

[Bug 19057] New: Media elements should provide a "next" property to gaplessly play back another media object after it has finished. This woud allow proper playback of gapless albums and an in-browser implementation of HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.

[Bug 19058] <richtext> </richtext> This will provide a default rich text widget which is scriptable and should also support the Rich Text Format (RTF) Default widget implementation should be a text area with richtext controls above it. This will enable browsers to pr

[Bug 19058] New: <richtext> </richtext> This will provide a default rich text widget which is scriptable and should also support the Rich Text Format (RTF) Default widget implementation should be a text area with richtext controls above it. This will enable browsers to pr

[Bug 19059] Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 19059] New: Make it possible for <select multiple> to shrink wrap, within a min/max height range set as multiples of row height

[Bug 19060] add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 19060] New: add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 19061] New: why can't the frame number be requested? It's video, position is expressed in frames, not in seconds. a frames per second value could easily convert this to seconds

[Bug 19061] why can't the frame number be requested? It's video, position is expressed in frames, not in seconds. a frames per second value could easily convert this to seconds

[Bug 19062] New: remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme ([JSURL])

[Bug 19062] remove reference to draft-hoehrmann-javascript-scheme ([JSURL])

[Bug 19063] New: Validated local resource cache

[Bug 19063] Validated local resource cache

[Bug 19064] 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 19064] New: 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 19065] Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality.

[Bug 19065] New: Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality.

[Bug 19066] generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention

[Bug 19066] New: generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention

[Bug 19067] i18n comment 4 : at least by default, <br> should constitute a bidi paragraph break

[Bug 19067] New: i18n comment 4 : at least by default, <br> should constitute a bidi paragraph break

[Bug 19068] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 19068] New: Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 19069] <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 19069] New: <output> should not be barred from constraint validation

[Bug 19070] Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 19070] New: Define fragment identifier processing. RFC 3023 is useless for this purpose.

[Bug 19071] Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 19071] New: Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm

[Bug 19072] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 19072] New: Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 19073] New: WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 19073] WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this:

[Bug 19074] New: remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 19074] remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme

[Bug 19076] Add new attributes to <meta> element

[Bug 19076] New: Add new attributes to <meta> element

[Bug 19078] New: syntax error in handleKeyNeeded examples

[Bug 19081] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <div><br></div> <script> var div = document.querySelector("div"); var range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(div, 1); div.insertBefore(document.createElement("p"), div.firstChild); w(range.start

[Bug 19096] Add 'type' attribute to MediaKeyNeededEvent

[Bug 19096] New: Add 'type' attribute to MediaKeyNeededEvent

[Bug 19106] New: Clarify difference between readonly and disabled form elements

[Bug 19107] MediaController IDL oversight

[Bug 19107] New: MediaController IDL oversight

[Bug 19109] New: should make media elements start playing

[Bug 19111] New: Avoid firing unload event in a browsing context more than once

[Bug 19112] New: Tidy up page showing/hiding logic

[Bug 19113] New: History API: Clearly define popstate event behaviour on page load

[Bug 19118] New: Setting document.location.hash to a not-yet-loaded element

[Bug 19119] New: Attempt to make <iframe> loading more closely match reality.

[Bug 19128] MathML 3.0 current TR somewhat mixed up

[Bug 19128] New: MathML 3.0 current TR somewhat mixed up

[Bug 19143] New: setTimeout and setInterval should clamp at the maximum timeout value

[Bug 19143] setTimeout and setInterval should clamp at the maximum timeout value

[Bug 19145] New: <aside> should have default implicit ARIA semantic of "complementary"

[Bug 5755] Need to expose media metadata properties

[Bug 5758] <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content

[Bug 5772] [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">)

[Bug 5776] Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources

[Bug 5851] Consider adding .toArray() on NodeList and HTMLCollection

[Bug 6606] generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention

[Bug 7253] Media elements should provide a "next" property to gaplessly play back another media object after it has finished. This woud allow proper playback of gapless albums and an in-browser implementation of HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.

[Bug 7260] Create testsuite for table headers association

[Bug 7557] add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between primary and secondary navigation

[Bug 7688] 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case

[Bug 8278] why can't the frame number be requested? It's video, position is expressed in frames, not in seconds. a frames per second value could easily convert this to seconds

[Bug 8320] Validated local resource cache

[Bug 8360] Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default.

[Bug 8659] Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions

[Bug 8716] Replace img Guidance for Conformance Checkers with Suggested Text for Short Text Alternatives

[Bug 8735] Add rel="edit" to list of defined types

[Bug 8794] It would be beneficial to have a property within linewidth such as 'hairline'so that drawings could be scaled and linewidth would be independant. For ex. a line always having a width of 1 no matter the scale. This is almost necessary when displaying engin

[Bug 9137] i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain

[Bug 9211] slotIndices (new IDL attribute): collection of all col-row intersections (slots) the cell spans

[Bug 9212] Change the Generator Mechanism for img from Document Level to Element Level

[Bug 9213] HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives

[Bug 9235] An additional useful transformation would be Perspective.

[Bug 9236] Add Path objects and intersects() function

[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Bug 9362] <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG

[Bug 9411] Say that it is the last META content-language declaration which takes precedence

[Bug 9469] Shouldn't this paragraph link to #attr-canvas-width and #attr-canvas-height, rather than just saying "the respective content attributes of the same name"?

[Bug 9482] multi-manifest R needed. The URLs can be separated with a common(manifest ="content.manifest,structure.manifest,scripts.manifest"). Having more then one manifest cache file would allow separation control of cache. Many websites and apps can use multi-mani

[Bug 9695] Maybe there could be a function to specify a cache manifest in the API so that instead of the application asking for offline storage when the page loads, some JavaScript can be used to request storage when the user clicks on a "Use Offline Mode" link.

[Bug 9785] Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side)

[Bug 9799] Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type

Last message date: Sunday, 30 September 2012 02:04:10 UTC