from August 2011 by subject

[Bug 10438] math should be changed changed from no role to "math" role

[Bug 10642] No alternative text description for video key frame (poster)

[Bug 10693] Need a means for navigating between related timed tracks of media elements

[Bug 10710] Require controls to have programatically associated names

[Bug 11239] Canvas support accessible caret tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11557] Authors should not be allowed to specify roles on elements that they already have by default

[Bug 11891] add role attribute to list of global attributes and add definition for it

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 12141] <video> Specifically state that all <track> options be exposed to the end user

[Bug 12283] <video> No indication of parsing error

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12405] <video> There's a problem with overlaying a sign-language video and using native controls, because the overlaid video overlaps the native controls

[Bug 12544] <video> MEDIA CONTROLLER requires track kind for in-band tracks

[Bug 12562] ARIA role example used as a conformance error is not a conformance error in HTML5

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12708] @accesskey: Clarify what it needs in order to have effect

[Bug 12709] @accesskey: Require user agents to hide accesskeys on unfocusable elements

[Bug 12710] @accesskey: Authoring conformance - reliance on @tabindex et cetera

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12834] LEGEND should be allowed to NOT be exactly first child of FIELDSET ("The legend element" spec section)

[Bug 12868] Allow placeholder for color and date+ types

[Bug 12873] suggested addition to *Examples of scenarios where users benefit from text alternatives for images*

[Bug 12876] suggestion for Example 6.4

[Bug 12877] remove section 3.11

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 13023] removing CSS outline bad for accessibility

[Bug 13096] Enhancement: Set single component for pixel

[Bug 13103] Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13115] Confusing contradiction in description of "alt" attribute

[Bug 13129] Accessible Tables examples in HTML 5 spec

[Bug 13130] accesskey handling in the spec doesn't match the implementations

[Bug 13137] HTML 5 table spec tables samples contain no ARIA markup example.

[Bug 13142] Typo: "even when the response do include a recognized challenge" "do" -> "does"

[Bug 13157] 4.5.13. Div element text change

[Bug 13174] Allow block elements inside TH, maybe add new THCAPTION element

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13200] Please add a warning about removing the outline for focussed links, because it can cause accessibility problems.

[Bug 13276] Not allowing author or developer to have absolute control over media playback

[Bug 13357] Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13359] A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13383] Feature request: pause media when hidden

[Bug 13390] Readonly attribute on input.{color|range|checkbox|radio}

[Bug 13391] Add a ScrollElementIntoView function

[Bug 13400] Audio: Change note on accessibility for the audio element

[Bug 13416] [editing] Rename or restructure the contenteditable="" section so that the relevance of designMode is also apparent in the table of contents

[Bug 13416] Section 7.5, contenteditable attribute, should be renamed "editing host" and reworked

[Bug 13418] Section 2.2.1 on Conformance classes should include accessible in statement of what authoring tools should make a best effort at doing

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13430] 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 13431] 7.6 Spelling and Grammar checking must include support for designMode

[Bug 13432] Editorial changes to The Video element (1 of 5)

[Bug 13434] Media element section does not state that tracks are to be synchronized with video

[Bug 13435] Editorial changes to The Video element (3 of 5)

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13437] Editorial changes to The Video element (5 of 5)

[Bug 13438] Editorial changes to Track element (1 of 3)

[Bug 13439] Editorial changes to Track element (2 of 3)

[Bug 13440] Editorial changes to Track element (3 of 3)

[Bug 13442] Clarify cases that should NOT be "non-interactive presentation user agents"

[Bug 13444] introduction to semantics does not convey their importance to people with disabilities/users of AT, nor the negative impact incorrect or insufficient semantics can have on the user experience

[Bug 13447] SVG content model VENN diagram needs to be made accessible [ Kinds of content/content-venn.svg].

[Bug 13449] Don't allow blank alt text on area elements

[Bug 13451] Don't disallow image map on object

[Bug 13453] Scaling of images and image maps

[Bug 13460] Show more use cases for details/summary elements

[Bug 13461] Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers

[Bug 13489] 2.2.1 Conformance Classes: Add supporting sentence to paragraph on visual user agents and default rendering to enhance concept that override of default rendering is acceptable for certain user experiences

[Bug 13497] Description for "alternate" should cover cases like the "alternate stylesheet", "alternate icon" and "alternate pingback" fallbacks, not just refer to the current document.

[Bug 13504] Automation-friendly mMarkup for flagging spelling, grammar, etc. errors and warnings

[Bug 13504] New: Automation-friendly mMarkup for flagging spelling, grammar, etc. errors and warnings

[Bug 13508] Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13508] New: Fully support tri-state and indeterminate controls

[Bug 13509] describe what happens in with accessibility APIs when existing document is destroyed

[Bug 13510] discuss setting up accessibilty APIs as part of document parsing

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13512] Need a DOM event for AT to catch when content is inserted

[Bug 13513] Caution against textarea with wrap=hard

[Bug 13513] New: Caution against textarea with wrap=hard

[Bug 13514] New: Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13520] Drag and Drop without a pointing device

[Bug 13528] Many examples in the forms section to do not exemplify best practice

[Bug 13531] use of implicit labels in examples

[Bug 13532] New: Sequential navigation to all elements that take focus or input

[Bug 13532] Sequential navigation to all elements that take focus or input

[Bug 13533] Navigation to and through static content

[Bug 13533] New: Navigation to and through static content

[Bug 13535] New: Preventing validation from trapping focus

[Bug 13535] Preventing validation from trapping focus

[Bug 13539] New: Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13540] New: Specifying next and previous elements for reading and navigation order

[Bug 13540] Specifying next and previous elements for reading and navigation order

[Bug 13541] Incomplete accessibility API exposure rules for svg element

[Bug 13543] add examples of use of fieldset and legend for non-interactive forms

[Bug 13546] <video> make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13546] Video: make positioning of caption cues more flexible

[Bug 13547] overloading of input element is confusing

[Bug 13548] size, width and height attributes on input should be conforming but obsolete

[Bug 13549] 4.10.18 associating form elements with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitation algorithm"

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13552] confusing, seemingly contradictory text in 4.10.7

[Bug 13553] 4.10.6 confusing, seemlingly contradictory text

[Bug 13554] 4.10.7 please specify all cases where readonly attribute makes the input immutable

[Bug 13555] Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13555] New: Fixing keyboard shortcuts and commands

[Bug 13558] input type=email should support friendly names

[Bug 13561] some input types don't have controls specified

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of "text box or spinner control."

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of “text box or spinner control.”

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of �text box or spinner control.�

[Bug 13563] radio and checkbox elements should not be valid without an associated label

[Bug 13564] Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13564] New: Negotiating shortcut keybindings

[Bug 13565] New: User option to use unmodified keys as shortcuts

[Bug 13565] User option to use unmodified keys as shortcuts

[Bug 13566] use of input type image to send coordinates should be phased out

[Bug 13567] definition of @alt on input type image needs a rewrite

[Bug 13568] use of "accessible" to refer to placement of UI controls is confusing

[Bug 13569] Allow user agents to override autocomplete

[Bug 13570] why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13573] Moving the caret with the keyboard

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13575] New: Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13575] Retrieving keybindings in automation-friendly format

[Bug 13576] Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home")

[Bug 13576] New: Maximize potential keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13579] Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13579] New: Clarify behavior of accesskey on static content elements

[Bug 13590] VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

[Bug 13591] Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13591] New: Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13593] Let drag and drop sources and targets register supported formats

[Bug 13593] New: Let drag and drop sources and targets register supported formats

[Bug 13594] Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13594] New: Handling of duplicate keyboard shortcuts

[Bug 13602] autoassist attribute for input element

[Bug 13614] Do not obsolete abbr on TH and TD

[Bug 13616] Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13616] New: Allow specifying categories/keywords for commands

[Bug 13617] New: Protecting privacy of accessibility settings

[Bug 13617] Protecting privacy of accessibility settings

[Bug 13619] New: Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13619] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13620] Clarify label vs caption

[Bug 13621] Allow user agents flexibility to meet user needs

[Bug 13621] New: Allow user agents flexibility to meet user needs

[Bug 13622] <video> The cue processing algorithm should be able to activate zero-duration cues

[Bug 13622] New: The cue processing algorithm should be able to activate zero-duration cues

[Bug 13623] Allow more flexible presentation of menus

[Bug 13623] New: Allow more flexible presentation of menus

[Bug 13624] <video> The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13624] New: The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13624] The pause-on-exit flag should lead to the paused for user interaction state

[Bug 13626] Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13626] New: Facilitate grouping of menu items

[Bug 13628] Aside element should accept for attribute

[Bug 13628] New: Aside element should accept for attribute

[Bug 13629] Identifying repeated and non-repeated content

[Bug 13629] New: Identifying repeated and non-repeated content

[Bug 13630] Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13630] New: Better method for user-friendly help or hints

[Bug 13635] Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13635] New: Feedback on Various Input Types and Attributes

[Bug 13636] Missing link types

[Bug 13636] New: Missing link types

[Bug 13638] Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13638] New: Consider referencing User Agent Guidelines in section Implicit submissions

[Bug 13639] CSS2 System Colors Should Be Recognized

[Bug 13641] Please provide a Glossary of Terms

[Bug 13642] New: Incorrect alt definition

[Bug 13647] Treat math @alttext as equivalent to @aria-label

[Bug 13648] New: SVG should have image role

[Bug 13648] SVG should have image role

[Bug 13649] Expose SVG <title> and <desc> to AAPIs

[Bug 13649] New: Expose SVG <title> and <desc> to AAPIs

[Bug 13650] 4.13.5 Footnotes Remove title as suggested method for footnotes

[Bug 13651] Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length.

[Bug 13654] 3.5.1 does unregistering event listeners include AT?

[Bug 13655] New: Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13655] Support for viewports and positions

[Bug 13656] add examples of use of input, button, select etc. outside of form element

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13658] Allow customizing the details element

[Bug 13658] New: Allow customizing the details element

[Bug 13661] 4.8.2 Will iframe loading events break existing AT?

[Bug 13662] will the sandbox attribute break script-based AT?

[Bug 13663] 4.8.2 how does seemless iframe impact a11y api?

[Bug 13664] what events are fired when iframe seemless attribute is changed dynamically?

[Bug 13665] Need to define model for focus order and how to keyboard out of frame

[Bug 13666] Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13666] New: Improve handling of footnotes and endnotes

[Bug 13667] New: Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13667] Title attribute is overloaded

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13668] New: Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13669] Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13669] New: Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13725] enable AT users to have access to contents of the title attribute (tooltip text)

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13728] on guidance for conformance checkers about text alternatives

[Bug 13729] video poster alt text

[Bug 13731] need simple visual alternatives to indicate that audio is playing to let a deaf user know

[Bug 13732] canvas accessibility

[Bug 13733] the area element and alternative text

[Bug 13734] new input element types and accessibility

[Bug 13736] the required attribute and accessibility

[Bug 13737] the menu element and accessibility

[Bug 13738] "Element level Focus APIs" should include addition information regarding accessibility

[Bug 13739] [editing] sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13739] sections on contenteditable and designmode have insufficient discussion of keyboard accessibility

[Bug 13833] Suggesting new feature: Accessible Image tag for Visually Impaired Hi, I design tactile graphics for visually impaired individuals. The amount of useful visual information is enormous and the majority of it is not accessible to the visually impaired. In H

[Bug 13902] Have more details about the format of accessKeyLabel, like by giving examples. We don't want one browser to format it like "Alt+L" and another "alt-l".

[Bug 13942] Allow @autofocus on any element with @tabindex

[Bug 13958] Authors should be able to request specific modifiers for accesskeys

[Bug 13960] I am concerned about the way the Article element is used in examples. Doesn't it make sense that Screen Readers will want to use the article element to skip over the HEADER and NAV elements to the main content. Instead of this: <article><heading>...</hea

[Bug 9280] Add default button option/attribute for forms

[Media] No telecon this week--but please read

[Minutes] HTML-A11Y TF Teleconference on 25 August

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 15 August 2011, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] Agenda: HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group, 22 August 2011, 15:30Z, 90 min

[text] No meeting today 29 Aug for HTML-A11Y Text Sub-Group

[Text] Resuming Table Summary Change Proposal Discussion

[text] Update on @summary CP

Agenda: HTML-A11y Bug Triage team, 23rd August at 15:00Z

Agenda: HTML-A11y Bug triage telecon, 30th August at 15:00Z

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 11 August at 15:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force on 25 August at 15:00Z for 60 minutes

agenda: HTML-A11Y Task Force, 18 August at 15:00Z

Agenda: Special HTML-A11Y Task Force on 1 August at 15:00Z for 240 minutes

Agenda: Special HTML-A11Y Task Force on 3 August at 21:30Z for 90 minutes

Bugs to Add to TaskForce Wiki

Examples of figure captions that may be inappropriately long for alt

FCC Releases Video Description Rules

Fwd: Proposal: ALT attibute for text

how HTML5 figure and figcaption should/could work

HTML defect 11893

HTML5 link types, microformats and ARIA

HTML5 Marking up content that repeats on related pages

HTML5 should define a global attribute that contains user-friendly help or hint text

HTML5 support for viewports and positions

Invitation to participate in the bug triage sub team

ISSUE-2: Should the HTML5 spec define a standard, platform-independent way for content to query the user agent's accessibility settings, and by extension platform settings that are known to the user agent? Are there any equivalents today?

Minutes Bug triage sub-team 30 August 2011

Minutes of the 2011-08-11 HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

Minutes of the 2011-08-18 HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

Minutes of the 23 August 2011 HTML A11Y Bug Triage sub-team teleconference

On using ARIA (was RE: Proposal: ALT attribute for text)

request to re-open the meta generator issue

Requesting your review of HTML 5 Last Call

Response to: ChangeProposals/DeprecateLongdesc

Special Teleconference Minutes for 1 August

Task Force Teleconference Cancelled--But, please read

Text Subteam Minutes for Monday 15 August

Text Subteam Teleconference Minutes for 22 August

Two More Bugs Entered

VHA Comments on HTML5 Draft Specification

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 23:34:49 UTC