Re: Response to: ChangeProposals/DeprecateLongdesc

Hi Silvia,

> So, now I wonder why
> @aria-describedby has been implemented as a mechanism that is not
> user-initiated? Would that maybe be a browser bug?

I know that this was for Janina but I hope my 2 cents are useful..

@aria-describedby provides an alternate (no pun intended) mechanism for
describing something. It can be used as a 'default' mechanism when
content receives focus, it's announced. This is fine. As I understand
it, @longdesc is pretty much used for additional information to be
choosen (or not) at the discretion of the user. @longdesc will also
often be used in tandem with a terse descriptor (traditionally the @alt)
so an interaction model where the user chooses to active this long
descriptor is to me sensible, as they may not want this content. Note,
my idea for screen readers to 'front load' the contents of the
@longdesc, and have them announced or not at the choice of the user also
supports this interaction model.



Received on Wednesday, 24 August 2011 08:19:00 UTC