Why privacy can't be left to chance (a response to RE: wording for the privacy section)
- Re: Why privacy can't be left to chance (a response to RE: wording for the privacy section)
- Re: Why privacy can't be left to chance (a response to RE: wording for the privacy section)
PositionOptions.timeout == 0
PositionError Requests
wording for the privacy section
- Re: wording for the privacy section
- RE: wording for the privacy section
- RE: wording for the privacy section
- Re: wording for the privacy section
- Re: wording for the privacy section
- Re: wording for the privacy section
- RE: wording for the privacy section
Geolocation spec updated
synchronous error handling.
Dealing with "accuracy"
Location privacy concerns
Location providers and competition
Extended Deadline Submission (SETIT'O9)
Location quality
Location terminology
Symbolic names for constants
http://geo.webvm.net/ multiple provider demo & ClientInformation
PositionError - DOMString message
PositionOptions timeout -- signed?
position options
RE: Spec is missing 'declination' - body's current pointing angle above horizon
Spec is missing 'declination' - body's current pointing angle above horizon
- Re: Spec is missing 'declination' - body's current pointing angle above horizon
- RE: Spec is missing 'declination' - body's current pointing angle above horizon