Alistair Miles
- Re: Announcement: MADS/RDF - Final Public Review
- Re: best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme
- Re: best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme
Antoine Isaac
- Reminder Cfp: Dublin Core 2011
- Re: best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme
- Re: best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme
- Re: Is SKOS XML?
- Principles for Open Bibliographic Data
Bernard Vatant
Bob DuCharme
- best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme
- Re: ISO25964 draft schema? (found it)
- ISO25964 draft schema?
Christophe Dupriez
Ed Summers
Ford, Kevin
Helmut Nagy
Johannes Busse
Neubert Joachim
- AW: GraphViz and SKOS... Conventions for visual schemas drafted from SKOS files?
- AW: best practice property to use for naming a skos:ConceptScheme