Blank nodes for concepts.
- Bernard Vatant (Monday, 23 February)
- Miles, AJ (Alistair) (Monday, 9 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Monday, 9 February)
- Cayzer, Steve (Monday, 9 February)
- Seaborne, Andy (Sunday, 8 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Saturday, 7 February)
- Cayzer, Steve (Friday, 6 February)
- Miles, AJ (Alistair) (Friday, 6 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Friday, 6 February)
- Cayzer, Steve (Friday, 6 February)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Friday, 6 February)
- Danny Ayers (Thursday, 5 February)
- Steve Cayzer (Thursday, 5 February)
- Miles, AJ (Alistair) (Thursday, 5 February)
Concepts represented by symbols
Cracking the nut: separating semantics and structure
Definition of
Definition of "facet"
Extending SKOS-Core with OWL
Feedback from Stella Dextre-Clarke on SWAD-Europe Thesaurus activ ity
Modelling 'entry terms' in SKOS
Modifications to the skos:related property family to accommodate variations in thesaurus structure
namespace for SKOS-Core version 1.0
Proposal for SKOS-Core 1.0
Putting stuff uncer CVS we can all access
Recommended reading: feedback on SKOS from Doug Tudhope and C eri Binding from University of Glamorgan
Recommended reading: feedback on SKOS from Doug Tudhope and Ceri Binding from University of Glamorgan
Single value for soks:prefLabel ?
SKOS 1.0 issues: SKOS-core and SKOS-mapping - separate or togethe r?
SKOS core namespace
SKOS namespaces
SKOS-Core 1.0 issues: representing thesaurus membership for a con cept
SKOS-Core 1.0: Adding a 'ConceptScheme' class
SWAD Deliverable 8.4 - last comments before EU submission
Test case for thesaurus linking
Test cases for faceted schemes
Trip report WWAAC - "thesauri" for symbol languages
Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2004 12:16:57 UTC