Re: Extending SKOS-Core with OWL

Hi Alistair,

> Couple of general OWL questions:
> 1.  If a property is declared as an owl:TransitiveProperty, will all
> sub-properties also be transitive?
> 2.  If a property is declared as an owl:SymmetricProperty, will all
> sub-properties also be symmetric?

I don't think either are true.

If s is a supProperty of p that means that each pair (sub,obj) in s is 
also in p but the subset of pairs in s can be arbitrary. For example, in 
a domain with two members a and b you could have:
    p = { (a, b), (b, a) }
    s = { (a, b) }
Here p is symmetric and s is a subProperty of p but s is not symmetric.


Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 14:21:23 UTC