Re: Extending SKOS-Core with OWL

I'm not sure about this one:

>5.  A resource typed as a <soks:Concept> may have at most one value for

different facets might have different preferred labels (the obvious problem).
I am not sure if you can account for that in OWL, although I would have
thought you can.

But a single Concept might have a couple of preferred labels too. I am
thinking of use cases that guess which Concept is being referred to, and
being a preferred label is an obvious way to rank possible choices. Also, in
merging two thesauri, is there really a need to choose a single preferred
term, given that the RDF key to the meaning is the concept?

The others all make sense to me.



On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Miles, AJ (Alistair)  wrote:

>This is an attempt at a list of features we could add by extending SKOS-Core
>with OWL.
>1.  <soks:related> is symmetric.
>2.  <soks:broader> is transitive.
>3.  <soks:narrower> is transitive.
>4.  <soks:broader> and <soks:narrower> are each other's inverse.
>6.  <soks:broaderGeneric> and <soks:narrowerGeneric> are each other's
>7.  <soks:broaderInstantive> and <soks:narrowerInstantive> are each other's
>8.  <soks:broaderPartitive> and <soks:narrowerPartitive> are each other's
>9.  <soks:inFacet> and <soks:facetMember> are each other's inverse.
>10.  A resource typed as a <soks:Concept> may have at most one value for
>Can't think of any more for the moment.
>Couple of general OWL questions:
>1.  If a property is declared as an owl:TransitiveProperty, will all
>sub-properties also be transitive?
>2.  If a property is declared as an owl:SymmetricProperty, will all
>sub-properties also be symmetric?
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Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 14:19:39 UTC