Test cases for faceted schemes

> Doing facets seems to me to be getting into the territory already 
> covered by RDFS/OWL. Is there any way this could be couched 
> as a bunch of test cases, with facets defined as RDF 
> properties annotated in OWL, versus in a more traditional 
> library-style thesaurus? And then mappings 
> specified, in prose or RDF...?
> I guess I'm wary that the ontology community might look at 
> what we're doing here and and say "Hey, why are you 
> re-inventing OWL?", especially as we move from representing 
> networks of named concepts to representing the properties and 
> classes that characterise the things those concepts stand for...
> Any thoughts on where/how to draw the line? 
> Dan

Absolutely!  I am very conscious not to tread on the toes of RDFS or OWL, or
to re-invent or duplicate anything.  I want to use properties/classes from
other vocabs whenever possible.  

I think that a set of test cases is a very good idea - if anyone knows of
faceted schemes in the public domain, can they forward links to this list?



Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 09:23:30 UTC