from July 2015 by subject

[css-writing-modes-3] bidi-plaintext-011 is incorrectly pointing to reference/bidi-plaintext-002

[css-writing-modes-3] text-combine-horizontal-010

[css-writing-modes-3] text-combine-upright-inherit-all-001 and its reference file

[css-writing-modes-3] text-combine-upright-inherit-all-001 and text-combine-upright-inherit-all-002

[css-writing-modes-3] text-combine-upright-line-breaking-rules-001 : src and reference file not found

[css-writing-modes-3] value-all-002 and value-all-003 : comments, feedback and question

[CSS21][CSS22] Seeking review of position:fixed edge case test

[cssom-view] Seeking reviewer for trivial getBoundingClientRect test cases

Better Test Case Coding for Reviewers

dependencies in tests

fixed new inline-block alignement test

fixed new inline-block alignement test (complete review)

Reference file having the same filename as its associated test

The new tests for vertical align with vertical writing mode

Thoughts On Combining Tests

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 July 2015 20:56:07 UTC