Re: fixed new inline-block alignement test (complete review)

Le 2015-07-10 23:37, 塩澤 元 a écrit :
> Hi Gérard,
> I have fixed inline-block alignment test.
> <Change Point>
> 1. fixed the test while referring to your feedback.
> 2.added other test case
> - for central baseline
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-003.xht (vertical-lr + mixed)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-004.xht (vertical-rl + upright)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-005.xht (vertical-lr + upright)
> - for alphabetical baseline
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-007.xht (vertical-lr + sideways)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-008.xht (vertical-rl + sideways-right)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-009.xht (vertical-lr + sideways-right)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-010.xht (vertical-rr + sideways-left)
> -- inline-block-alignment-new-011.xht (vertical-lr + sideways-left)
> 3. added ref file
> - inline-block-alignment-new-003-ref.xht (for vertical-lr 
> central-baseline)
> - inline-block-alignment-new-007-ref.xht (for vertical-lr
> alphabetical-baseline)
> Could you review it?
> I have known that sideways-left is at risk now and may be dropped 
> during
> the CR period^[1].
> However, anyway, I have created test for sideways-left because deleting
> test case is very easy :-)
> [1]: "Status of this document" from
>> The following features are at-risk, and may be dropped during the CR
> period:
>>    * The sideways-left of text-orientation
>>    * The use-glyph-orientation of text-orientation
>>    * The digits value of text-combine-upright.
>>    * The look-ahead/look-behind sequencing rules for 
>> text-combine-upright.
> Hajime.
> 2015-07-06 4:30 GMT+09:00 Gérard Talbot <>:
>> Le 2015-07-05 02:25, 塩澤 元 a écrit :
>>> Gérard,
>>> I have fixed the inline-block alignement test in reference to your
>>> review^[1]
>>> Could you review it?
>>> After your review and approval, I will create other variation of
>>> inline-block alignment.
>>> [1]:
>>> Hajime.
>> Here is what I came up with:
>> Your test:
>> 1- (line 15 in your test)
>> It's always safer to use a numerical line-height (1) instead of a
>> font-size (1em) because computed line-height is inherited by default; 
>> a
>> numerical line-height will scale with relevant font-size. In your 
>> test, 1em
>> was okay since other inline boxes were taller.
>> 2- (lines 24 and 25 in your test)
>> Creating an asymetrical vertical padding on inline boxes can better 
>> reveal
>> an implementation bug.
>> I've added a /* comment */ explaining the purpose of such logical 
>> vertical
>> padding
>> 3- (line 26 in your test)
>> I've removed color: fuchsia.
>> 4- (line 33 in your test)
>> Since line-height is inherited, then you do not need to redeclare it 
>> for
>> its descendants.
>> 5- (lines 36 and 41 in your test)
>> I've used id instead of classes for first-line-box and last-line-box
>> 6- (lines 49 and 50 in your test)
>> Asymetrical vertical padding on that inline plus a /* comment */
>> If you now load that test into the latest most recent Firefox 42 
>> nightly
>> build, you can see 2 bugs occuring. The left padding and right padding 
>> on
>> the inline boxes should not affect baseline alignment of text (the
>> horizontal position of those orange squares with respect to the blue
>> square) on the dominant baseline... whatever such dominant baseline is 
>> and
>> however how baseline-alignment is implemented.
>> Adapted reference file:


Sorry for the long delay. Here is a preliminary review:


You need to swap ( 並び替えます ) the yellow and blue images, like this:

    <img src="support/swatch-orange.png" width="60" height="60" 
alt="Image download support must be enabled" /><br /><!--
--><img class="left" src="support/swatch-yellow.png" width="120" 
height="120" alt="Image download support must be enabled" /><!--
--><img class="right" src="support/swatch-blue.png" width="120" 
height="120" alt="Image download support must be enabled" /><br /><!--
--><img src="support/swatch-orange.png" width="30" height="30" 
alt="Image download support must be enabled" /></div>


line 9: (...) and when 'text-orientation' is 'upright', then (...)
line 18:   text-orientation: mixed;

-- continuation --


       display: inline-block;

       display: inline-block;

In all your tests, you have been declaring 'display: inline-block' onto 
the smallest Ahem glyph (square) which follows the tested inline-block. 
Please explain why. I do not see the need to do this. It does not make 
your tests incorrect or unreliable ... but this declaration is 
extraneous to me. I would remove this.


<img class="left" src="support/swatch-blue.png" width="120" height="120" 
alt="Image download support must be enabled" /><!--
--><img class="right" src="support/swatch-yellow.png" width="120" 
height="120" alt="Image download support must be enabled" /><br />

Please remove class="left" and class="right" from the reference files
as they are not defined and they are not needed.


I believe inline-block-alignment-new-009.xht's reference file should be

inline-block-alignment-new-007-ref.xht and not 

and inline-block-alignment-new-009's pass-fail-conditions should be

<p>Test passes if the <strong>right edge</strong> of an irregular 
polygon is straight and unbroken.</p>

and not left edge.


I believe inline-block-alignment-new-010.xht's reference file should be

inline-block-alignment-new-006-ref.xht and not 

and inline-block-alignment-new-010's pass-fail-conditions should be

<p>Test passes if the <strong>left edge</strong> of an irregular polygon 
is straight and unbroken.</p>

and not right edge.

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Received on Tuesday, 14 July 2015 08:09:18 UTC