from January to March 2003 by subject


[Bug 671826 ] Tidy converts   in a table cell into a single space

[html-tidy] <none>

a question

A question about list policies.

a question about table/form nesting

A Way to fix wrapped </TD> tags?

Ambiguous copyright ownership and licenses of HTML Tidy on SF

Announce: Balthisar Tidy 0.50 for Mac OS X

Bad taste in Tidy help

Batch files now working, but Tidy now Hanging on a page

can i add a node to Html DOM ? programatically.

Can Tidy stop changing web addresses (URIs/URLs)?

Can't use --split configuration option from command line in Windows

Change in indent style


Cleaning HTML pages using Tidy

comments problem

Crash in TidyLib and Memory Leaks

Creating object in ASP

Did I miss anything <grin>?

Double Spaces in URI's

duplicate id problem



Error when running HTML Tidy from NoteTab Pro

Error: missing quote mark for attribute value

Getting a SAX stream from JTidy

Help please

how can i recompile tidy windows source to linux ?

How to insert Option values through tidy,

How to prevent tidy from inserting new line after <br>?

HTML Tidy RPM Red Hat Linux 8.0 available

hyphens in comments in script tags

Invalid XHTML output

JTidy : Tidy & DOM - 2 steps ??

JTidy and new lines

JTidy I18N Solution. Re: JTidy Status and I18N support

JTidy infinite loop in Node.checkNodeIntegrity()

JTidy Status and I18N support

JTidy stripping tags example needed

JTidy Uncleaned output

Manipulating jTidy DOM

more on the char-encoding problem

MS Word 2000 HTML filter: How to find command line tool?

MSHTML as an alternative to Tidy

Need to Strip all HTML tages from a renderd web Page

New Site Cleaning Project

observing HTML rules when converting to XML

One line tag attributes

Perl HTML::TIdy usage question

persistent xml-decl vs. char-encoding

Problem with MacTidy 1.0b13

Question about including style sheets.

Red Hat Linux 8.0 RPMs available for tidy

Reporting Bugs

Request And Help


Statically Linked tidy

Stop changing URIs/URLs: Another discussion thread about this problem

Stripping lang markup

Suppressing the extra CR after an </tag>


tidy -m <some-file>

tidy -xml changes empty elements to non-empty elements

Tidy Add-ons

tidy is not happy tidying up html generated by Microsoft word

Tidy Question

Tidy... how about Tiny? (fwd)

TidyCOM Exception

TidyMemToMem and Word-2000 problem

tidyRelease() ,

Unfavourable changes in recent Tidy behaviour

update content of a node : tidylib

update Script section of html from tidylib.


Urgent: A couple of Tidy questions

Using HTML Tidy in C# via Managed C++ Wrapper

Why is space removed?

WIN-1251 problems plz HELP! (fwd)

Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2003 11:55:50 UTC