Re: Unfavourable changes in recent Tidy behaviour

Hi Phil,

On #1, that was a consensus decision.  We all like some whitespace for 
readability, but that was wide agreement that enough is enough.  You can't 
please everyone, no matter how hard you try.

But #2 comes as a surprise.  Empty table cells usually look weird - with or 
without styles.  Can you log a bug?  Go to and follow 
the link to the bug tracker.


At 09:58 AM 1/20/2003 +0000, Phil Dempster wrote:

>I recently upgrade my installation to the latest version of Tidy (I use the
>Cygwin platform for which Tidy compiles OOTB).
>I've found that:
>(1) The blank lines that used to be inserted to make the markup more
>readable before <hN> tags,  <p>, <tr> etc aren't any more.
>(2) <td>&nbsp;</td> is converted to <td> </td>
>Is there a configuration option that affects the insertion of blank lines
>for the former? The latter I consider to be a bug.  It certainly causes me
>pain because I can't then feed it into htmldoc
>( - I had to use a <td><font
>color="white">-</font></td>, not pretty at all).
>Tidy has served me well for years until these recent changes.  I'd like to
>be able to point out exactly where the changes came in, but there doesn't
>seem to be a change log maintained.

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 09:50:17 UTC