- From: Renjith K.V <renjith@iceindia.com>
- Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:44:46 +0530
- To: html-tidy@w3.org
How to i update content of a node programatically with tidylib ( This is for adding more items to combo boxes in html my program added <option> node to select node. but i need to set content of <option> tag <option name = "contry"></option> should be made <option name = "contry">India</option> ) I have added a node to Html DOM in following way Also i need to update content of the Option tag. if(tidyNodeIsSELECT(child)) { AttVal *av; optNode = InferredTag( tdoc, "Option"); av = NewAttribute(); av->attribute = tmbstrdup("value"); av->value = tmbstrdup("test"); optNode->attributes = av; InsertNodeAtEnd(child, optNode); } how can i do that ? I have tried the following way but it gives me errors optNode->type == TextNode; optNode->content = tmbstrdup("oho whatz it ?"); please help me Renjith.
Received on Monday, 17 February 2003 05:06:24 UTC