www-svg@w3.org from November 2000 by subject

[Fwd: [Moderator Action] Style Element Data]

[www-svg] <none>

A comprehensive online HR resource - HR.com

Adobe SVG Viewer 2.0 beta

animTargetAttrs - referenced?

Any advice?

Can U suggest me !!!

clipPath and silhouette

Contradictory types in feColorMatrix values attribute?

DOM save

Extended CSS OM interfaces

Font and CSS background

Help Needed !!

Is SVG supported in NN6?

Manipulate SVG with javascript.

Missing inheritance

multiple animation-targets etC

Need Guidance !!!

New SVG specification available

Regrets: Cannot attend 11/14/2000 SVG WG teleconference

SVG on small devices

SVG, XSLT and Namespaces

SVGPaint::setPaint parameters

transform explanations missing on mask and clipPath

Using client side XSLT to create SVG

Using SVG font Glyphs outside of SVG

Way too much spam

XHTML Events

xlink:type, :show, :actuate


Last message date: Wednesday, 29 November 2000 12:27:07 UTC