w3c-wai-eo@w3.org from July to September 2010 by subject

"At a Glance" for the Meeting 8/13

[for discussion] comments on How People with Disabilities Use the Web

Call for review: Developing Websites for Older People

Call for Review: Training Resource Suite by 31 August

comments on [DRAFT] Scenarios of Web Users

Comments on Developing Websites for Older People

Comments on how pwd suite, page "accessibility requirements"

Developing Websites for Older People comment reply

EOWG - for 16-17 September - Training review comments

EOWG active participants' ACTION items

EOWG comments on UAAG 2.0 Working Draft 17 June 2010

EOWG Deadline 5 August - Review: WCAG 2.0 Techniques Draft Updates

EOWG meeting Nov in France moved to Monday & Tuesday - reserve hotel

EOWG Prep for 6 August teleconference

EOWG Prepare for 13 August teleconference

EOWG: 21-23 September prep and teleconference dial-in numbers

EOWG: Open for review now

EOWG: Update your Availability for Upcoming EOWG Teleconferences

Examples of when people need text alternatives for images

expand/collapse functionality [was Re: Comments on Developing Websites for Older People]

For July 9 meeting

FYI poll: Testing with users

Good site for hotel booking e.g. in Lyon

Naming of WAI-ARIA documents

Please ignore previous mail agenda for today found

Prep for this week's EOWG teleconference

Ready for Review: Accessibility Requirements

Ready for review: Developing Websites for Older People

Ready for review: How People with Disabilities Use the Web

Regrets for today

Regrets for today.

Reminder: Call for Review: ATAG *Last Call* Working Draft

Reminder: WAI Activity Proposals in Review

Some comments on Accessibility Requirements

SV: Developing Websites for Older People comment reply

WAI-AGE participants into WAI EOWG

Where is the agenda for today's call?

Last message date: Wednesday, 22 September 2010 13:01:47 UTC