from November 2011 by subject

[css3-images] Features Overview

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ACTION-238: Review TC0002-S to TC0026-S (server test cases) (Media Fragments Working Group)

ACTION-243: Search for a media resource that contains a chapter name (Media Fragments Working Group)

Agenda Tomorrow's PhoneConf

Cancellation of this weeks Phoneconf

Checking what features could be 'at risk'

comments on spatial media fragment (a broadcaster's perspective)

comments on the latest editor's draft of Media Fragments URI 1.0

Erroneous Test Case #TC0026-UA

Implementation report - update

Implementation report for Firefox

Implementation Report for mediafragments.js

Implementation report generation

Implementation report of Synote Media Fragment Player

Issue-10 (Media Fragments Test Case Maintenance) resolved & closed

Issue-17 (Media Fragments Track Names and IRIs) consensus & closed

Issue-20 (Create a IETF draft at CR stage) consensus & closed (but to be formally checked by Philippe Le Hegaret)

Issue-21 (Expressing complex regions with a reference in Media Fragments URI) consensus & closed

Media Fragments URI - Acknowledgements section

minutes of 2011-11-23 teleconference

Minutes of 2011-11-30 phoneconf

MTAP Special Issue on "Multimedia on the Web" || Extended Submission Deadline: 30. November

Reminder: Acknowledge your agreement on Disposition of Comments, please

Resolution of

SMPTE examples

Transition request to CR for "Media Fragments URI 1.0"

User Script adds (temporal NPT) Media Fragments URI support to Safari, Firefox & Chrome

Yet another illegal test case: TC0019-UA

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 November 2011 11:25:48 UTC