Re: Yet another illegal test case: TC0019-UA


On 17/11/2011 14:15, Thomas Steiner wrote:
> Hi Davy, all,
> I have detected yet another illegal test case TC0019-UA [1]. It says…
> t=smpte:0:00:03.15,0:00:07 // wrong
> …however, 0:00:03.15 is not a legal SMPTE time specification.
> According to the spec [2], it should be…
> frametime = 1*DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [ ":" 2DIGIT [ "." 2DIGIT ] ]
> …so I suggest changing the test case so that it reads…
> t=smpte:0:00:03:00.15,0:00:07 // correct
> This minimal change does not require any change in the text, just
> adding the ':00' to make it legal according to
> "hours:minutes:seconds:frames.further-subdivison-of-frames". I have
> done this in my local tests.

Yup, I agree, but I would change it to t=smpte:0:00:03:15.00,0:00:07 
(the '15' was meant as frames, otherwise we need some interlaced video 
content ...).

Best regards,


Davy Van Deursen

Ghent University - IBBT
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2011 13:36:43 UTC