referencing a schema fails
Xsd Include Validation Error
Example of fully-featured schema set
At least 1 element out of 4 is required
processing with xsl
How to restrict the values of attributes in my own element declarations when they are defined in another namespace
Is " ID_234" a valid content for attribute of type xsd:ID?
more schemaLocation attrs in a xml instance
anyURI datatype problem
list of tokens?
[xmlschema-dev][Announcement] IBM XML Schema Quality Checker 2.2
element with multiple definitions
xsi:nil and identity constraints
Error in Validating with Schema and in generating sample XML from it !!! Schema is valid in XML Spy 5.0 . Namespace problems.
- Re: Error in Validating with Schema and in generating sample XML from it !!! Schema is valid in XML Spy 5.0 . Namespace problems.
- Re: Error in Validating with Schema and in generating sample XML from it !!! Schema is valid in XML Spy 5.0 . Namespace problems.
problem referencing attributes from imported namespace
- Re: problem referencing attributes from imported namespace
- Re: problem referencing attributes from imported namespace
- Re: problem referencing attributes from imported namespace
pattern to specify different dateTime Format
Duplicate element definitions
Large File Schema Validation
FW: JDOM XML Schema issue
order of attributes
RE: Schema include problem [solved]
Schema include problem
Recall: W3C meetings in Redmond
FW: W3C meetings in Redmond
namespace naming convention with web applications?
Must the content of SchemaLocation be a resorvable URL?
- Re: Must the content of SchemaLocation be a resorvable URL?
- Re: Must the content of SchemaLocation be a resorvable URL?
Lists of NMTOKEN
New release of XSV available
SV: fixed attribute in a xsd mapping schema?
SV: fixed attribute in a xsd mapping schema?
fixed attribute in a xsd mapping schema?
Validating Schema on a lan without internet access (using XSV)
- Re: Validating Schema on a lan without internet access (using XSV)
- Re: Validating Schema on a lan without internet access (using XSV)
how to define an XML Document with an unknown/variable element
XMLEspresso 4.0 Announcement
ANN: XML Schema Tutorials at Extreme Markup Languages 2003
Re: Structures, Datatypes spec not consistent on simpleType final values
{min,max}{Inclusive,Exclusive} derivation correct
normalizedString typo?
ANN: Syntext Dtd2Xs v1.2 - Complex & Modularized XML DTD to XML Schema Converter
Schema Validation
Schema Validation
XML Schema for multiple elements in arbitrary order
XML Schema compliance
- Re: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
- FW: XML Schema compliance
- Re: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
- RE: XML Schema compliance
[XSV] base URI handling and HTTP redirect
schema pattern matching (negate)
- Re: schema pattern matching (negate)
- Re: schema pattern matching (negate)
- Re: schema pattern matching (negate)