Re: [XSV] base URI handling and HTTP redirect

>>Philippe Le Hegaret <> writes:
>> It looks like XSV doesn't use the Location header of HTTP to resolve
>> URIs; it keeps reusing the original location before the redirect. This
>> problem appears on the WSDL 1.2 XML Schema
>> ( that has an include statement.
>I've put a tentative fix for this, at least for include, import and
>redefine, as well as via namespace name and xsi:schemaLocation, in the
>online version.  I've tested it on your example, and it works, but
>there are many subtleties here, so anyone with similar problems in the
>past please test and report.

I had originally found this problem (thinking that I was making a mistake) 
and I'm desperately trying to even understand the basics of WSDL 
extensions. In my desperation I downloaded [1], but that doesn't seem to 
fix the problem for me from the command line. I suppose I'll just have to 
wait for the next RPM. :)


Joseph Reagle Jr.       

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 16:19:15 UTC