ANN: XML Schema Tutorials at Extreme Markup Languages 2003


I will be giving two tutorials on XML Schema on 4th August at Extreme
Markup Languages 2003 in Montreal, Canada.

  The morning tutorial, "Introduction to XML Schema", covers the
  basics of creating schemas and validating documents, including an
  introduction to the built-in datatypes.

  The afternoon tutorial, "Typing in XML Schema", looks at how to
  define your own simple and complex types and how to manage type and
  element substitution.

Eric van der Vlist is also presenting "XML Schema Languages", which
looks at the three main schema languages: Schematron, RELAX NG and W3C
XML Schema, in the morning.

There are a number of schema-related papers being presented over the
course of the conference, including:

  * "Logic grammars and XML Schema" by C.M. Sperberg-McQueen
  * "Specifying constraints for XML" by Murali Mani
  * "Supporting UPA and restriction on an extension of XML Schema" by
    Matthew Fuchs and Allen Brown
  * "Validation algorithm for attribute-element constraints of
    RELAX NG" by Makoto Murata and Hosoya Haruo
  * "Datatype- and namespace-aware DTDs: A minimal extension" by Fabio
    Vitali, Nicola Amorosi, and Nicola Gessa
  * "The difficulty of schema conformance problems" by Robert C. Lyons
  * "Uniform access to infosets via reflection" by Henry S. Thompson
    and K. Ari Krupnikov

The full program and registration information is available at

Hope to see you there.


Jeni Tennison

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 12:26:41 UTC