Validating Schema on a lan without internet access (using XSV)

I've written a test xml instance document and xml schema that validates
(using the XSV validator) when I reference the
"" namespace in both documents.

Does anyone know how I would validate these documents without access to the
internet?  I've read the "is it possible to validate schemas locally
without accessing the internet" thread, but I'm still not having any luck.
I downloaded XSV locally on to my machine, but when I try to reference it
within my schema and instance document, I get the following error:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<xsv xmlns="" docElt="{None}test1"
     instanceAssessed="false" schemaDocs="Test.xsd" schemaErrors="0"
     version="XSV 2.5-1 of 2003/06/24 13:33:31">
  <schemaDocAttempt URI="file:///H://Test.xsd" outcome="failure"
                    source="command line">
    <notASchema filename="file:///H://Test.xsd">Root was &lt;schema>, but
not in W3C XML Schema namespace: (was
c:/Program Files/XSV)</notASchema>

Please forgive my ignorance, I'm new to schemas.  Any help would be greatly

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2003 18:50:07 UTC