xmlschema-dev@w3.org from July 2003 by subject

[xmlschema-dev][Announcement] IBM XML Schema Quality Checker 2.2

[XSV] base URI handling and HTTP redirect

ANN: Syntext Dtd2Xs v1.2 - Complex & Modularized XML DTD to XML Schema Converter

ANN: XML Schema Tutorials at Extreme Markup Languages 2003

anyURI datatype problem

At least 1 element out of 4 is required

Attribute type in XMLSchema


Duplicate element definitions

element with multiple definitions

Error in Validating with Schema and in generating sample XML from it !!! Schema is valid in XML Spy 5.0 . Namespace problems.

Example of fully-featured schema set

fixed attribute in a xsd mapping schema?

how to define an XML Document with an unknown/variable element

How to restrict the values of attributes in my own element declarations when they are defined in another namespace

Is " ID_234" a valid content for attribute of type xsd:ID?

is namespace prefix's name variable?

JDOM XML Schema issue

Large File Schema Validation

list of tokens?

Lists of NMTOKEN

more schemaLocation attrs in a xml instance

Must the content of SchemaLocation be a resorvable URL?

namespace naming convention with web applications?

New release of XSV available

normalizedString typo?

order of attributes

pattern to specify different dateTime Format

problem referencing attributes from imported namespace

processing with xsl

Recall: W3C meetings in Redmond

referencing a schema fails

Schema include problem

Schema include problem [solved]

schema pattern matching (negate)

Schema Validation

Structures, Datatypes spec not consistent on simpleType final values

SV: fixed attribute in a xsd mapping schema?

Validating Schema on a lan without internet access (using XSV)

W3C meetings in Redmond

XML Schema compliance

XML Schema for multiple elements in arbitrary order

XMLEspresso 4.0 Announcement


Xsd Include Validation Error

xsi:nil and identity constraints

{min,max}{Inclusive,Exclusive} derivation correct

Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2003 19:55:41 UTC