www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org from April to June 2005 by subject

"if present" missing

%boolean; in XML Schema DTD

1.1 working draft and unicode

2.3 Simple Types type "delimited by" and "..." conflict

[Michael Kay] RE: <enumeration> of duration types

[REVISED] My user experience of the user experience workshop

[www-xml-schema-comments] <none>

[XSCD] Last Call WD Comments

[XSCD] LC comments

[XSCD] Minor terminology query

[XSCD] QA review of XML Schema: Component Designators (29 March 2005, LC)

About Simple Types

Adding The Ability For Conditional Validation

all group constraints inconsistent

An SAXParseException associated with the XML Schema for Schemas


anyURI values: escaped or not?

Attn: All Financial Professionals

Attribute Wildcard Intersection

Character classes in XML Schema

Date in xml schema

Donation Online

errata in "XML Schema Part 0"


Identity-constraints, attributes and lax/skip wildcards

is XML Schema context free or context sensitive or something entirely different

Lexical space for unsignedXXX types

Minor typo

Notation Declaration Schema Component

order relation on dateTime

Prohibited attributes in an attributeGroup

Proposal from the i18n-core wg for changes of anyURI

Q: Fixed value constraint validation for elements

Question about 3.4.2, <restriction> content

Question about the XML Schema DTD

Question on 3.8.2, "Model group schema component"

reference to "XML Schema Requirements"

regex for decimal


Restriction+choice+substitutionGroup: rcase-RecurseLax insuf ficie nt?

Restriction+choice+substitutionGroup: rcase-RecurseLax insufficie nt?


Syntax error in "XML Schema Teil 0: Einführung" (german Translation of "XML Schema Part 0: Primer Second Edition")

URI changes in RFC 3986

Using Schema for an Information Structure Model - XPath with no instance document

Versioning of XML Schema and namespaces

where is identity of schema documents/components defined?

Whitespace normalization for union types

xhtml:emph in hasFactAndProperty schema

XML Schema: Forse use of CDATA and check for CDATA

XMLSchema-datatypes synonyms not as useful as intended

Last message date: Thursday, 30 June 2005 13:06:40 UTC