- From: Peter Geraghty <Peter.Geraghty@tracegroup.com>
- Date: 12 Apr 2005 18:48:32 -0600
- To: <www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <230ADE2B739E084084DE9D4993C4D6D3DBDB58@plc-exchange.tracegroup.com>
Hi. Several years ago I started looking at Schema with the assumptions that: 1. Schema was a standard for defining an information structure model. 2. The syntax for textual representation of information was implicit in the use of XML. 3. XPath expressions could serve as a means of identifying parts of the information model. I probably made these assumptions because these are three of the basic requirements for the A2A and B2B messaging I work with. However I am increasingly concerned that the intention of Schema is only to be a standard for defining validation criteria, not information structure. Is this true? In the absence of any other standard, people are using it as a definition of an information model, but it seems not to be intended for that. I explain my concerns below. For information interchange, the activity of producing a new XML document is equally as important as the activity of processing and validating an existing document. I am involved in transformation tools which allow business analysts to specify correspondences between messaging standards in order to automate document production. It is not generally acceptable or useful to introduce any dependencies on the output document order into these rules. For one thing, document order is essentially a matter of syntax and irrelevant to the business analyst, and for another there is no document in existence at the time the rules are defined. The UPA considers whether a Schema model is usable for validation of an existing textual document being processed, and therefore allows anything earlier in the document as available for use in identifying the relevant particle. What is missing (for me) is a similar constraint which says that a particle can be uniquely attributed to any "simple" XPath expression evaluated in a given schema context (I can elaborate the idea of "simple" if anyone is interested). Am I alone in this line of thought that with a "well written" Schema the combination of a context-definition and an XPath expression yields the definition of the addressee, even when no instance document is yet in existence? The approach works well in practice, since most schemas are "well written", and we have our own ways of dealing with schemas which are not, but I am concerned that it is not formally supported by schema or XPath standards. I raised a similar issue (in connection with static typing) with the XPath 2.0 comments a year ago but without any response. It seems strange that so much of the standards emphasis is on reacting to instance documents being pushed at a receiving application, and so little on facilitating the creation of valid instance documents within the sending application. I think there are many examples of valid Schema which don't work as definitions of an information structure model because there is no usable means of referring to items within it. E.g., the following sequence of B (optional),C,B. <xs:element name="A"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="B" minOccurs="0"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>This means one thing</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name="C"/> <xs:element name="B"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>This means something else</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> As far as I can see, there is no usable standard which intentionally allows this second B item to be identified for use in some kind of correspondence map or other transformational definition. There is no simple XPath expression which you know in advance will always identify the second B definition in this model. Most people would agree that the above example is bad practice, even if not invalid. However, there are similar issues with restrictions of complex content. Schema allows the restriction to have a very different expression from the base type. This does not reflect the fact that the meaning of each item in the restriction must be the same as the meaning of some item in the base. Pete
- text/plain attachment: InterScan_Disclaimer.txt
Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2005 00:49:06 UTC