Re: [Michael Kay] RE: <enumeration> of duration types

Dave Peterson <> writes:

> It is true that in 1.0, P1Y and P12M are distinct duration values and
> equality is identity.  The general concensus was that this situation
> was unacceptable; it implies that P1Y and P12M are incomparable (not
> less-than, not greater-than, and not identical/equal).  This situation
> has been changed in 1.1.
> In 1.1:
> Durations have only a month property and a second property.  P1Y and
> P12M are identical; both are (12,0).  OTOH,
> Equality in 1.1 is not always identity, and in particular for duration
> both equality and order are determined by adding the durations to four
> standard dateTime values and checking the four resulting pairs of
> dateTime values.
> The rule is:  If all four resulting dateTime value pairs are equal,
> then the durations are equal.  If all four resulting dateTime values
> are ordered the same way, then the durations are ordered that way.
> If some of the resulting dateTime values are equal and others not,
> or if the order is not always the same direction, then the durations
> are incomparable.  Clearly then the order is properly tied to equality.
> This is the same algorithm used for order (but not equality) in 1.0.
> It's an interesting question whether equality so defined is in fact
> identity.  I believe it is, but I've never sat down and proved it.

So what about P365D?

 Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
                     Half-time member of W3C Team
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Received on Monday, 18 April 2005 14:39:43 UTC