Prohibited attributes in an attributeGroup

This comment is regarding having prohibited attributes in an


Base Type:


<xsd:complexType name="base">

      <xsd:attribute name="a" />



Derived Type:


<xsd:complexType name="derived">


    <xsd:restriction base="base">

      <xsd:attributeGroup ref="attG"/>





<xsd:attributeGroup name="attG">

 <xsd:attribute name="a" use="prohibited"/> </xsd:attributeGroup>


Should the complex type "derived" still have attribute "a"? From the
spec, it seems that it would allow attribute "a", since the
attribute-uses of the attributeGroup "attG" does not contain "a".


It seems that having a prohibited attribute in an attributeGroup is
useless and does nothing, and it could be argued that such attributes
should be disallowed from attribute groups.



Received on Monday, 23 May 2005 17:29:20 UTC