Re: Date in xml schema

At 2:50 PM -0400 050414, Xan Gregg wrote:
>>the date datatype (type="xs:date") in schema definition supports only
>>"YYYY-MM-DD" format but I need to have my date in "DD/MM/YYYY"(Brazil
>>format) format. Is this possible in schema 1.0? If no, i think that is
>>must be part of requirements of new version(1.1). Please, i'm waiting a

>The requirements document is only a Working Draft, so technically it 
>is not too late to file comments on it (to this mailing list), but 
>my sense is that the requirements are effectively closed.

However, questions like this have come up before.  Some people would also
want MM/DD/YYYY, and you can't tell which is which.  The WG chose originally
not to support the other formats such as the one you'd like, because
it leads to incompatability between processors.  I believe your best bet
is a pre-/post-processor that intercepts date lexical representations and
converts them from/to the local format you desire.
Dave Peterson

Received on Thursday, 14 April 2005 20:55:10 UTC