"Test Suites Principles" in CSS Test doc
Belated regrets for today's telcon
Conformance requirements extracted from Ops and Spec
CORRECTION -- Re: Wednesday (18 February) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
CR Issues for Monday
CR Issues List -- 1st cut
Draft minutes for 2004-01-26
DRAFT minutes of 20040209 QAWG telecon
Draft minutes of 20040218 telecon
Draft Minutes of QA Telcon of 23-February-2004
DRAFT Minutes QAWG TelCon 2004-Feb-02
f2f draft agenda posted
Final minutes for 2004-01-26
Final Minutes of 23-February-2004 Teleconference
Final Minutes QAWG Telcon 2004-Feb-02
Fwd: 2004 Tech Plenary Day (3 Mar) Agenda Now Available
Fwd: [Closed] Re: Request for publication of Test Guidelines
Fwd: [TP2004] Royal Hotel Casino fare is reduced
Fwd: Announcement of New Process Document Doc, Operational Patent Policy Transition, etc.
Fwd: Remote listening and IRC for the Technical Plenary Day
Fwd: Restaurant discounts at TP meeting
Fwd: Update on March TP agenda
Fwd: wifi network setup for the TP
FYI Fwd: Survey on testing practices
Minutes of 20040209 QAWG telecon
Monday (2 February) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (2 February) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (2 February) QAWG telecon agenda [regrets]
Monday (23 February) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (23 February) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (9 Feb) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (9 Feb) QAWG telecon agenda (draft)
Next week's QAWG telecon rescheduled
OpsGL Checklist and CSS
Personal review of QAF
Personal review of QAF -- #2
QAF test materials -- background
Question on Developing Test Assertions
regrets x2 in advance
Semi-regrets F2F
Templates assessment report
TestGL Issues
TestGL Issues list (alpha release)
Various Test/Spec questions from WCAG
Wednesday (18 February) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
WWW2004 panel proposal
Last message date: Sunday, 29 February 2004 10:11:50 UTC