[DE] Intention of translation - HTML5
[DE] Intention of translation REC CSS Style Attributes
[DE] Link to HTML5 translation in progress in German
[DE] Translation of REC CSS Style Attributes completed
[italian] Intention of translation
[Japanese] Intention of translation
[lang] Intention of translation
- TR@SOE (Wednesday, 17 December)
Completed Japanese translation of HTML5
Intent to translate in spanish
LTO Notification Summary to PT-BR
Published Authorized Translations of WCAG 2.0 in European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
Published Simplified Chinese Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.0: Web内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) 2.0
Published Simplified Chinese Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.0: Web内容无障碍指南 (WCAG) 2.0 (Internet mail)
- 温和 (Thursday, 23 October)
Recent translations into German
Recent translations into Simplified Chinese
Summary report for the Authorized Chinese Translation of WCAG 2.0
Translate "Changing (X)HTML page encoding to UTF-8" into Chinese
Updated article: Choosing & applying a character encoding
Updated article: Declaring character encodings in CSS
Updated article: Why use the language attribute?
w3.org Cites Language="Turkish"
Last message date: Thursday, 25 December 2014 19:37:14 UTC