from February 2007 by subject

[Fwd: Re: Invite to Cross-Media Summit for Content Discovery...]

[MMSEM] Agenda 15th February Telecon 1700 UTC

[MMSEM] Agenda 1st February Telecon 1700 UTC

[MMSEM] Agenda 1st March Telecon 1700 UTC

[MMSEM] Blog till you drop

[MMSEM] Follow-up telecon (usage of DOAP/ RDF & Tools pages)

[MMSEM] MPEG-7 action ...

[MMSEM] Telecon minutes of 01/02/2007

[MMSEM] Telecon minutes of 15/02/2007

[MMSEM] Web page and Wiki updates

Converters To RDF

FR and UK dial-in numbers for teleconferences

Interoperability Framework and Vocabulary


Regrets & Music Use Case Update (Was: Re: [MMSEM] Agenda 1st February Telecon 1700 UTC)]

regrets - 1st February Telecon 1700 UTC

regrets - 1st February Telecon 1700 UTC - Corrected

Regrets and report on my contributions

Regrets for not being able to participate to today's telco

regrets for today

regrets for today & todo's

Regrets for today's teleconf

Regrets: [MMSEM] Agenda 15th February Telecon 1700 UTC

Research assistant position (Semantic Grid & Folksonomies) - University of Aberdeen

Summary of the SWCG telecon

Last message date: Tuesday, 27 February 2007 17:46:01 UTC