FR and UK dial-in numbers for teleconferences

Dear MMSEMers,

Regarding the Zakim bridge for joining the teleconferences, find the
related message below.



The W3C Zakim teleconference bridge is now available through
French (Nice) and UK (Bristol) telephone numbers in addition
to the US (Boston) number:

  +1.617.761.6200	(Boston)
  +	(Nice)
  +44.117.370.6152	(Bristol)


We have been running this service experimentally for several
months and have decided to make these additional dial-in
numbers a standard part of our teleconference capabilities.
You may inform your Working Group participants as you feel

The service uses call forwarding over VoIP and thus is subject
to Internet effects.  This affects both its reliability (which
has been high once we ironed out some initial issues) and its
quality (which is also high but noticeably different to some
people than the standard switched telephone network).

The forwarding service has a two-hour timeout, over which we
have no control.  If you are on a teleconference that extends
beyond two hours you will be disconnected and will need to re-dial.
(We have reports that this symptom has also occurred on "direct"
EU to US calls to the Boston Zakim number.  While we have no
reason to think we have any control over this either, further
symptom reports on calls to +1 may be sent to

The primary number for Zakim remains +1.617.761.6200.  If you
have trouble with the +33 or +44 numbers, please remember to
fall back to the +1 number.

We are not at this time open to requests for numbers in
other countries.


Received on Monday, 5 February 2007 21:55:19 UTC