Federated Social Web Europe to be announced tomorrow
[ANN] DSNP 0.5 released
Introduction: James Walker
Introduction: Alex Haché
Introduction: Claudio Venezia (TI)
Introduction: Ben Werdmuller
Doodle poll for next telecon
Introduction: Bastian Hofmann (VZnet)
Introduction: Brad Kipfer
Introduction: Phillip Rhodes
Introduction: Stefano Zacchiroli (University Paris 7 / Debian)
Introduction: Stefano Zacchiroli (University Paris 7 / Debian)
Introduction: Maarten Kremers (SURFnet)
Introduction: Maarten Kremers (SURFnet)
Introduction: Fabrizio Orlandi (DERI, NUIG)
Introduction: Chris Dent
Meeting Minutes for March 8th Telecon
Introduction: Adrian D. Thurston
Introduction: Henry Story (bblfish.net)
Introduction: Sebastian Tramp (AKSW, University of Leipzig)
Introduction: Alexandre Passant (DERI, NUIG)
Introduction: Daniel E. Renfer
Introduction: Tuomas Koski, (individual)
Introduction: Evan Prodromou, StatusNet
Introduction: Harry Halpin (W3C)
Reminder: Call Today at 20:00UTC - Send introductions via email
- Re: Reminder: Call Today at 20:00UTC - Send introductions via email
- Introduction: Ted Thibodeau (OpenLink Software)