Introduction: Maarten Kremers (SURFnet)


My name is Maarten Kremers and i'm working for the dutch National
Research and Education Network (NREN) SURFnet [1].

One of SURFnet goals is to provide easier and more effective ways for
communications between researchers, educators and students between
(international) institutions and Virtual Organisations within the
Research and Education area.

SURFnet is creating a new Collaboration Infrastructure called SURFconext
[2] which is could be called a synergy of federated identity, social
networking and collaboration tools, based on open standards.

For SURFconext we're using OpenSocial and we're participating in Apache
Rave [3].  My interest is the interoperability between social web systems.

Unfortunately due personal circumstances i won't be able to join tonight.

 Maarten Kremers


Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2011 22:37:02 UTC