03/06/2019 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda - CANCELLED
03/13/2019 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
03/20/2019 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
- Emil Lundberg (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Tuesday, 26 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Thursday, 21 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Wednesday, 20 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Adam Langley (Thursday, 7 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Thursday, 7 March)
- J.C. Jones (Thursday, 7 March)
[w3c/webauthn] 0b40de: Built by Travis-CI: 7c793d2e0355b245d184a0de172fda...
[w3c/webauthn] 0ce7d4: fix abstract
[w3c/webauthn] 0f679a: Initial proposal for modifications to resident key...
[w3c/webauthn] 21e686: Built by Travis-CI: 26cf7c62581ec913a06be4eb9ea948...
[w3c/webauthn] 3fc3b1: update registries draft per issue #1176 (#1177)
[w3c/webauthn] 4322cd: Fix typo
[w3c/webauthn] 486eb7: Note that appid should be set to the previously us...
[w3c/webauthn] 489127: typo fix
[w3c/webauthn] 5338dd: Revert "Revert change to new TR link"
[w3c/webauthn] 5df167: Built by Travis-CI: 8678b43688f4f2fda83bb69586011a...
[w3c/webauthn] 5fd36c: Change prohibitions on PII in user handles to MUST.
[w3c/webauthn] 61248f: provide erefs to dfns for attstn stmt fmt and extn...
[w3c/webauthn] 61a867: Built by Travis-CI: 66515ffaf9d5d4cfcc2e882d185243...
[w3c/webauthn] 66515f: Update SafetyNet attestation description (#1170)
[w3c/webauthn] 6e5017: Updated wording around 'ver'
[w3c/webauthn] 6ff982: tweaked wording
[w3c/webauthn] 776b7b: Determine appid extension output after authenticat...
[w3c/webauthn] 78cd9e: Built by Travis-CI: 7c793d2e0355b245d184a0de172fda...
[w3c/webauthn] 83709e: Update SafetyNet attestation description
[w3c/webauthn] 83c193: fix more typoos
[w3c/webauthn] 88695f: Allow authenticators to do None instead of Self at...
[w3c/webauthn] 8b6b41: Built by Travis-CI: ce2b94710b78395a8d8ba55ae94d99...
[w3c/webauthn] 909b3c: Move Angelo Liao to the Former Editors list (#1172)
[w3c/webauthn] 930d75: this is rev -02
[w3c/webauthn] 982edc: Fix typo in Authentication example
[w3c/webauthn] 9e72ec: Fix incorrect description of AuthenticatorAttachment
[w3c/webauthn] a14b82: Add example of different RP ID and AppID
[w3c/webauthn] ad79f3: Built by Travis-CI: 909b3c267babc181cdfc5d3aaf8b50...
[w3c/webauthn] b0d407: Built by Travis-CI: 871a1af48961938deeb3105a3af9ba...
[w3c/webauthn] b17588: Apply clarification to ECDAA as well
[w3c/webauthn] b47ff7: Built by Travis-CI: 11126e87846c1677f6f5bf56f33086...
[w3c/webauthn] bd022f: update JeffH's affiliation
[w3c/webauthn] bd7181: Built by Travis-CI: 3fc3b1e8a71bf3a9962e7257ffcc07...
[w3c/webauthn] c39a35: regen .html & .txt files from .xml
[w3c/webauthn] cdbba1: Clarify "ver" in safetynet
[w3c/webauthn] ce2b94: fixup registries internet-draft's abstract (#1181)
[w3c/webauthn] cf9cde: fix various editorial items
[w3c/webauthn] d45c84: Built by Travis-CI: 11126e87846c1677f6f5bf56f33086...
[w3c/webauthn] d84b03: Built by Travis-CI: 4de25bb480f30dbca8e83381637a5e...
[w3c/webauthn] d8808e: Add example of different RP ID and AppID
[w3c/webauthn] d9cf96: Built by Travis-CI: 4de25bb480f30dbca8e83381637a5e...
[w3c/webauthn] d9de12: Let requireUserPresence always be true in authenti...
[w3c/webauthn] da1255: Built by Travis-CI: 8678b43688f4f2fda83bb69586011a...
[w3c/webauthn] dfe667: Built by Travis-CI: 909b3c267babc181cdfc5d3aaf8b50...
[w3c/webauthn] e9884c: Built by Travis-CI: 66515ffaf9d5d4cfcc2e882d185243...
[w3c/webauthn] f0c19a: Built by Travis-CI: ce2b94710b78395a8d8ba55ae94d99...
[w3c/webauthn] f1b55b: Update isUVPAA() scenario to agree with spec
[w3c/webauthn] f4c6aa: Built by Travis-CI: 26cf7c62581ec913a06be4eb9ea948...
[w3c/webauthn] fca27b: Clarify relationship to trust path in RP registrat...
[w3c/webauthn] fd5c45: Built by Travis-CI: 871a1af48961938deeb3105a3af9ba...
[webauthn] Add a fingerprinting (#1173)
[webauthn] Add a method to determine whether external CTAP2 security keys are supported (#1173)
[webauthn] Add credential type uaf (#407)
[webauthn] Add example of different RP ID and AppID (#1165)
[webauthn] Add explicit description on what should be done in incognito/private browsing mode (#1174)
[webauthn] add notion of "enterprise" attestation (#1147)
[webauthn] Add notion of forbidding resident credential creation (#1149)
[webauthn] Add registration/authentication extensions for cloud-assisted BLE (#909)
[webauthn] Add the Entity Attestation Token (#1121)
[webauthn] Add uaf attestation format (#408)
[webauthn] Allow authenticators to do None instead of Self attestation (#1182)
[webauthn] Android key attestation missing certificate validation steps (#1167)
[webauthn] Angelo Liao is no longer an active editor (#1171)
[webauthn] Authenticators that do not recognize any handles shouldn't just be dropped on the floor (#863)
[webauthn] Authnr sel keyprotection (#476)
[webauthn] Authnr sel matcherprotection (#477)
[webauthn] Authnr selection aaguidlist (#479)
[webauthn] Change prohibitions on PII in user handles to MUST. (#1185)
[webauthn] Clarify the name `AuthenticationExtensions...` (#1166)
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Add credential type uaf
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Add the Entity Attestation Token
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Add uaf attestation format
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Authnr sel keyprotection
[webauthn] Closed Pull Request: Authnr selection aaguidlist
[webauthn] Consistency between scenario "Registration specifically with UVPA" and former removal of confirmation prompt (#1178)
[webauthn] Consistency between scenario "Registration specifically with UVPA" and former removal of confirmation prompt for isUVPAA() (#1178)
[webauthn] Create linkable definition for "WebAuthn Extension(s)" (#1180)
[webauthn] Define a attestation format with RFC8152-style signing? (#1164)
[webauthn] Error: registration failed: packed attestation: self attestation not implemented (#1169)
[webauthn] finish up on "provide transport info during registration" (#1188)
[webauthn] Fix typo in Authentication example (#1190)
[webauthn] Fixed various links, including new TR link (#1161)
[webauthn] Git merge variants (#1183)
[webauthn] Indicate resident key credential "preferred" during registration and find out what the authenticator offered (#991)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Akshay Kumar via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Akshay Kumar via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Akshay Kumar via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Akshay Kumar via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- John Bradley via GitHub (Wednesday, 27 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Tuesday, 26 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Monday, 25 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Sunday, 24 March)
- Anthony Nadalin via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- John Bradley via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- Christiaan Brand via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Thursday, 14 March)
- Mike Jones via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- John Bradley via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Anthony Nadalin via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- John Bradley via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Shane Weeden via GitHub (Wednesday, 13 March)
- Alexei Czeskis via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
[webauthn] Initial proposal for modifications to resident key credential requirements (#1191)
[webauthn] Integrate with Feature Policy and define Feature-Identifier value for WebAuthn (#911)
[webauthn] link "attestation statement format" term in Section 8.1 to its definition (#1179)
[webauthn] Make AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria more complete. (#441)
[webauthn] Maybe upgrade user handle PII prohibition to a MUST (#1146)
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Add example of different RP ID and AppID
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Change prohibitions on PII in user handles to MUST.
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Clarify relationship to trust path in RP registration step 16
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Determine appid extension output after authenticator returns
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Fix incorrect AuthenticatorAttachment description
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Fix typo in Authentication example
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: fixup registries internet-draft's abstract
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Let requireUserPresence always be true in authenticator operations
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Move Angelo Liao to the Former Editors list
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Note that appid should be set to the previously used AppID
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: update registries draft per issue #1176
[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Update SafetyNet attestation description
[webauthn] MUST authenticators still perform self attestation? (#978)
[webauthn] new commits pushed by agl
[webauthn] new commits pushed by emlun
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Tuesday, 26 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 21 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 21 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Monday, 18 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Wednesday, 6 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Friday, 1 March)
- Emil Lundberg via GitHub (Friday, 1 March)
[webauthn] new commits pushed by equalsJeffH
- =JeffH via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Saturday, 9 March)
- =JeffH via GitHub (Friday, 8 March)
[webauthn] new commits pushed by jcjones
[webauthn] new commits pushed by leshi
[webauthn] new commits pushed by WebAuthnBot
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 28 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Wednesday, 20 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Tuesday, 12 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Monday, 11 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Friday, 8 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Friday, 8 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
- WebAuthnBot via GitHub (Thursday, 7 March)
[webauthn] None hardware/device option - as for ssl client certificates (#1027)
[webauthn] Note that appid should be set to the previously used AppID (#1118)
[webauthn] Public Key Infrastructures and Web Authentication (#521)
[webauthn] Pull Request: Add example of different RP ID and AppID
[webauthn] Pull Request: Allow authenticators to do None instead of Self attestation
[webauthn] Pull Request: Change prohibitions on PII in user handles to MUST.
[webauthn] Pull Request: Clarify relationship to trust path in RP registration step 16
[webauthn] Pull Request: Created linkable definition for WebAuthn Extensions and linked to it …
[webauthn] Pull Request: Fix typo in Authentication example
[webauthn] Pull Request: fixup registries internet-draft's abstract
[webauthn] Pull Request: Initial proposal for modifications to resident key credential requirements
[webauthn] Pull Request: Linked attestation statement format term in Section 8.1 to its defini…
[webauthn] Pull Request: Move Angelo Liao to the Former Editors list
[webauthn] Pull Request: Revert "Revert change to new TR link"
[webauthn] Pull Request: Revert change to new TR link
[webauthn] Pull Request: Update Authenticator Definition
[webauthn] Pull Request: Update isUVPAA() scenario to agree with spec
[webauthn] Pull Request: update registries draft per issue #1176
[webauthn] Pull Request: Update SafetyNet attestation description
[webauthn] Rearrange terminology aliases so the first one reflects sort order (#1194)
[webauthn] Recovering from Device Loss (#931)
[webauthn] Refer android-safetynet verification to SafetyNet documentation? (#1135)
[webauthn] Refine User Verification description (#1162)
[webauthn] Requesting ability to detect if there is an authenticator available which is capable of resident key credential (#987)
[webauthn] Rewrite security consideration on attestation and MitM attacks (#1095)
[webauthn] SafetyNet Attestation Clarifications (#968)
[webauthn] spec is missing baseline posture that credential source is bound to a particular authenticator (#1122)
[webauthn] Standardising support for software authenticators (#1175)
[webauthn] update -webauthn-registries Internet-Draft to cause IANA registration of WebAuthn attestation and extension identifiers (#1176)
[webauthn] Update Authenticator Definition (#1195)
[webauthn] update registries draft per issue #1176 (#1177)
[webauthn] Update SafetyNet attestation description (#1170)
[webauthn] WebAuthn Authenticators are FIDO Authenticators (#1128)
[webauthn] WebAuthn available to Workers? aka "silent authentication" (#199)
Additional COSE algorithms used by W3C Web Authentication (WebAuthn)
AW: Proposal to move meeting time from 10AM PDT to NOON PDT
Closed: [webauthn] Add a method to determine whether external CTAP2 security keys are supported (#1173)
Closed: [webauthn] Android key attestation missing certificate validation steps (#1167)
Closed: [webauthn] Angelo Liao is no longer an active editor (#1171)
Closed: [webauthn] appid extension output is inaccurate in some corner cases (#1034)
Closed: [webauthn] AuthenticatorAttachment description is incorrect (#1153)
Closed: [webauthn] Clarify relationships between "uv"/"up" of the CTAP spec and "userVerification"/"userPresence" (#1123)
Closed: [webauthn] Clarify what value goes into appid extension input (#1117)
Closed: [webauthn] Define a attestation format with RFC8152-style signing? (#1164)
Closed: [webauthn] Error: registration failed: packed attestation: self attestation not implemented (#1169)
Closed: [webauthn] Git merge variants (#1183)
Closed: [webauthn] Make AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria more complete. (#441)
Closed: [webauthn] Maybe upgrade user handle PII prohibition to a MUST (#1146)
Closed: [webauthn] Refer android-safetynet verification to SafetyNet documentation? (#1135)
Closed: [webauthn] SafetyNet Attestation Clarifications (#968)
Closed: [webauthn] update -webauthn-registries Internet-Draft to cause IANA registration of WebAuthn attestation and extension identifiers (#1176)
Closed: [webauthn] WebAuthn Authenticators are FIDO Authenticators (#1128)
github contributor access
Meeting Time Poll
New Version Notification for draft-hodges-webauthn-registries-02.txt
Participation needed by WebAuthn members in the IETF COSE working group
Proposal to move meeting time from 10AM PDT to NOON PDT
W3C WebAuthn F2F Draft Agenda for March 7th 2019
Webauthn capability detection
WebAuthn Face-to-Face on March 7th
WebAuthn is a W3C Recommendation
webauthn post on NANOG
- Jeff Hodges (Tuesday, 26 March)
- James Barclay (Monday, 25 March)
- Akshay Kumar (Monday, 25 March)
- Akshay Kumar (Monday, 25 March)
- Christiaan Brand (Monday, 25 March)
- Samuel Weiler (Monday, 25 March)
- Nicholas Steele (Monday, 25 March)
- Akshay Kumar (Monday, 25 March)
- Emil Lundberg (Monday, 25 March)
- Anthony Nadalin (Monday, 25 March)
- Samuel Weiler (Saturday, 23 March)
Working group adoption of "COSE and JOSE Registrations for WebAuthn Algorithms"
Last message date: Thursday, 28 March 2019 21:28:41 UTC