Aaron Bradley
- Re: Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
- Re: Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
- Re: Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
- Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
Adrian Giurca
- Re: Using Properties Multiple Times
- Re: Repeating description in every pages
- Re: ImageObject and Photograph Schemas
Alexander Shubin
- RE: [Feedback on schema.org] Mix use of URL and Url for property names that end up with "url"
- RE: [Feedback on schema.org] why is the expected type for "image" not an "ImageObject"?
- RE: [Feedback on schema.org] singular/plural for property names and multiple values
- RE: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
- RE: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
- RE: Repeating description in every pages
Antonio Romero Vicente
Dan Brickley
Daniel Dulitz
Evain, Jean-Pierre
- RE: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
- RE: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
- RE: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
Francisco Meza
- Re: What's the Schema for an intangible service like insurance or shipping?
- What's the Schema for an intangible service like insurance or shipping?
François Daoust
- [Feedback on schema.org] singular/plural for property names and multiple values
- [Feedback on schema.org] Mix use of URL and Url for property names that end up with "url"
- Re: [Feedback on schema.org] why is the expected type for "image" not an "ImageObject"?
- [Feedback on schema.org] why is the expected type for "image" not an "ImageObject"?
Gregg Kellogg
- Re: Nested Items in <HEAD> Element
- Re: using web-scale identifiers in microdata
- Re: Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
- Re: Syntax for itemprop breadcrumb
- Re: Schema.org TV vocabulary - opening discussion
Jason Douglas
Jason Ronallo
- Re: Schema: LodgingBusiness
- Re: using web-scale identifiers in microdata
- using web-scale identifiers in microdata
- SoftwareApplication and the schema.org extension mechanism
- SoftwareApplication and schema.org extension mechanism
Jeni Tennison
Jesse Friedman
- Re: Real Estate sites using Product and Offer?
- Re: Real Estate sites using Product and Offer?
- Re: Real Estate sites using Product and Offer?
- Re: Real Estate Schema Vocabulary
Jocelyn Fournier
- Re: Schema.org and nested items
- Re: Schema.org and nested items
- Re: Schema.org and nested items
- Re: Schema.org and nested items
Jocelyn Fournier | WIKTIK
John Panzer
Jon Parro
Kurt Maine
Lin Clark
Martin Hepp
- Re: OpeningHours definition
- Re: Proper schema.org markup of repeating / recurring events?
- Re: [Feedback on schema.org] why is the expected type for "image" not an "ImageObject"?
- Re: ItemAvailability DateChanged Instance
- Re: [Feedback on schema.org] why is the expected type for "image" not an "ImageObject"?
- Free GoodRelations Extension for Prestashop: RDFa for 100,000 Shop Sites
- Images for products with schema.org
- Re: Repeating description in every pages
- Modeling value dependencies and complex quantitative values with GoodRelations
Max ChewKC
Robert Kost
Robert Schroeder
Ryan Berger
Sandhaus, Evan
- Re: Nested Items in <HEAD> Element
- Re: Nested Items in <HEAD> Element
- Nested Items in <HEAD> Element
Sean Carlos
Sevastos Mastrogiorgis
Stéphane Corlosquet
Thad Guidry
- Re: using web-scale identifiers in microdata
- Re: using web-scale identifiers in microdata
- Re: webschema-ISSUE-7 (danbri): "A governmentOffice is both a place and an organization" concern from NicolaGuarino [Feedback on Schema.org]
Tim van Oostrom
Web Schemas TF Issue Tracker
- webschema-ISSUE-9 (Alexander Shubin): Naming url properties [Feedback on Schema.org]
- webschema-ISSUE-8 (Alexander Shubin): thumbnailUrl and thumbnail in CreativeWork [Feedback on Schema.org]
- webschema-ISSUE-7 (danbri): "A governmentOffice is both a place and an organization" concern from NicolaGuarino [Feedback on Schema.org]