from June 2010 by subject

[Bug 10004] fn:doc errors FODC0002 and FODC0005

[Bug 10004] New: fn:doc errors FODC0002 and FODC0005

[Bug 10048] New: Annotation assertions should play well with annotations

[Bug 4378] error in K2-NodeTest-21

[Bug 6723] [Ser] No rule about empty <p> elements in HTML serialization

[Bug 6808] [Ser11] Whitespacing rules are too restrictive for the indent parameter

[Bug 7353] [XSLT 2.0] Handling an atomic value of type other than xs:string, xs:anyURI or xs:untypedAtomic with the document function

[Bug 7355] [XSLT 2.0] Precise definition of region for which forwards compatibility applies

[Bug 7624] [XSLT 2.0] xsl:copy when there is no context item

[Bug 7823] [SER] Description of escaping rules for script and style elements in HTML mode not clear

[Bug 8129] [XQTS] CVS: location hints

[Bug 8206] [Ser] Serialization requires no escaping of < in URI attribute with XHTML

[Bug 8477] [XSLT 2.0] lang attribute of xsl:sort and xsl:number

[Bug 8651] [SER] What does it mean to compare without consideration of case?

[Bug 9252] [XQuery 1.1] Error handling in switch expression

[Bug 9257] The rules for when an implied namespace binding conflicts should be more precise

[Bug 9258] Static typing tests do not account for earlier static error

[Bug 9276] [XQTS] Order of results of fn-doc-33 are not well defined.

[Bug 9290] wrong XQueryX tests - difference in dealing with newlines

[Bug 9302] [XQuery11] How are output declarations processed?

[Bug 9327] fn-datamixedcontent-1

[Bug 9433] [SER11] Invalid reference to XSLT 2.1

[Bug 9497] [XQuery11] 4.16 Context Item Declaration: VarValue/VarDefaultVal inside a library module

[Bug 9540] QueryTokenInfo definition seems wrong

[Bug 9600] [XQuery 1.1] Importing schema with a simple type conflicting with a function declaration.

[Bug 9605] provide positive zero as an alternate result for tests expecting negative zero

[Bug 9665] [DM11] incorrect description (a minor editorial correction)

[Bug 9693] [DM11] 2.6.4 Atomic Values (minor editorial corrections)

[Bug 9694] [DM11] 2.6.5 String Values (minor editorial corrections)

[Bug 9751] [FO11] fn:parse on non-xml input

[Bug 9757] Group By Clause: Equivalence: "atomic" is incorrect

[Bug 9758] Group By Clause: Equivalence: GroupingSpec

[Bug 9759] Group By Clause: Equivalence: collation

[Bug 9778] [SER] HTML output and namespace undeclaration

[Bug 9787] Improving function overloading in XQuery

[Bug 9838] New: Axes as functions

[Bug 9840] [XSLT 2.0] xsl:number level="single" has different behaviour to XSLT 1.0

[Bug 9840] New: [XSLT 2.0] xsl:number level="single" has different behaviour to XSLT 1.0

[Bug 9842] [XSLT] document()

[Bug 9842] New: [XSLT] document()

[Bug 9858] New: [FT] FTStopWordOption and FTCaseOption interaction clarification

[Bug 9879] New: XQuery 1.1 tests have invalid XQueryX versions

[Bug 9879] XQuery 1.1 tests have invalid XQueryX versions

[Bug 9890] invalid XQTSResult.xsd schema

[Bug 9890] New: invalid XQTSResult.xsd schema

[Bug 9900] New: XML10-5ed-Included-char-1

[Bug 9900] XML10-5ed-Included-char-1

[Bug 9902] Broken reference to Namespaces 1.0

[Bug 9902] New: Broken reference to Namespaces 1.0

[Bug 9907] [FO11] Inconsistent treatment of zero and negative zero

[Bug 9907] New: [FO11] Inconsistent treatment of zero and negative zero

[Bug 9916] Allow patterns to access template parameters

[Bug 9916] New: Allow patterns to access template parameters

[Bug 9925] New: wrong expected result in w3c_testsuite/XQuery/SchemaImport/SchemaImportProlog/modules-schema-context.xq

[Bug 9925] wrong expected result in w3c_testsuite/XQuery/SchemaImport/SchemaImportProlog/modules-schema-context.xq

[Bug 9927] [XSLT] xsl:number grouping-size

[Bug 9927] New: [XSLT] xsl:number grouping-size

[Bug 9931] Error codes for QName attributes in result-document

[Bug 9931] New: Error codes for QName attributes in result-document

[Bug 9934] New: [FT] Need static error for unsupported FTMatchOptions combinations

[Bug 9955] New: XQuery/Modules/ModuleImportModules/ModuleImport/modules-19.xq through modules-28.xq

[Bug 9955] XQuery/Modules/ModuleImportModules/ModuleImport/modules-19.xq through modules-28.xq

[Bug 9957] New: [XSLT 2.0] Incomplete/obsolete proviso about temporary trees

[Bug 9978] New: [XSLT] xsl:analyze-string select returning non-xs:string

[Bug 9980] New: Default value for byte-order-mark in xsl:output

[Bug 9992] New: Error condition for XTSE0165 - what does "conforming to this specification mean"

[FT] ftnot of no matches

[FT] FTStopWordOption and FTCaseOption interaction

[FT] FTStopWordOption semantics insufficient?

[FT] FTWildCardOption observations and question

[FT] FTWindow semantics wrong?

[FT] Implementing the full-text thesaurus match option

[FT] Meaning of FTST0008 and FTST0018


Last message date: Tuesday, 29 June 2010 20:13:35 UTC