Re: [FT] FTWindow semantics wrong?

Paul J. Lucas wrote:
> Given the query:
> 	let $x := <p>It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.</p>
> 	return $x contains text "best" ftand "worst" window 6 words
> having the tokenization of:
> 	It(1) was(2) the(3) best(4) of(5) times(6)
> 	it(7) was(8) the(9) worst(10) of(11) times(12)
> should return true, no?

No, it should return false. There's a 6-token window covering
     best of times it was the
and one covering
     of times it was the worst
but you need at least a 7-token window to cover
     best of times it was the worst


Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 07:17:45 UTC