from April 2018 by subject

[Minutes] 2018-04-06

[Minutes] Meeting 2018-04-20

[PBG] 20180424 Agenda for Call

AB board elections starting again

Accessing Higher Ground form for submission

agenda item for Friday

agenda topic for June 4 call: formality of EPUB 3.2 approval steps

Comics/Manga/FXL workshop - narrow scope to "sequential art"?

do we have a meeting today?

DRAFT [PBG] 20180410 Agenda for Call

epubcheck RFP draft

have we quantified the EPUBCheck "ask"?

IDPF accessibility guidelines pages have been redirected

New iPad book-authoring app

Reminder: PBG SC call today 11:00 ET (in one hour)

WBS Reminder - 2018 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs) responses due 2018-04-27

Last message date: Friday, 27 April 2018 15:12:13 UTC