Re: WBS Reminder - 2018 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs) responses due 2018-04-27

Thanks Bill,
Yes I would be after or besides any regular PWG and EPUB3 CG meetings.
Even if we don¹t have a definitive agenda, it would be worth reserving the
slot already now with W3C.

Le 17/04/2018 18:01, « Bill McCoy » <> a écrit :

>+1 to this and FYI it has already been a meeting planning assumption that
>minimum we would have a large-ish PBG meeting at TPAC (but not a
>paid Summit conference this time)... so expanding this meeting to be
>Publishing@W3C groups should be very feasible if folks want to organize it
>I would suggest that this wouldn't obviate separate meetings of Pub WG
>and/or EPUB 3 CG at TPAC 2018 but we probably wouldn't need a separate PBG
>meeting. So this could be billed as the BG meeting, with invitations to
>CG and WG folks.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 12:13 AM
>To: 'W3C Publishing Steering Committee' <>
>Subject: FW: WBS Reminder - 2018 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week
>Logistics for the Group Meetings (for Chairs) responses due 2018-04-27
>I think we should plan a F2F PBG meeting at TPAC 2018, more precisely an
>Publishing@W3C meeting : PBG + PWG + EPUB3 CG.
>It would be interesting to share in a meeting of that kind high level
>directions and business orientations, nothing technical.
>If I understand well this reminder, we should consider a plan quickly to
>push information to TPAC organizers.
>This is an item to discuss to PBG-SC meeting on Friday.
>Le 17/04/2018 09:01, « W3C WBS Mailer » <> a écrit :
>>This is an automated reminder that the following questionnaire is open
>>until 2018-04-27:
>>2018 Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week Logistics for the Group
>>Meetings (for Chairs)
>>W3C Staff

Received on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 16:09:50 UTC