from September 2016 by subject

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (03 OCT 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (05 September 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (12 September 2016)

[Minutes] 2016-09-23

Another approach to the non-reification problem...

F2F Meeting

F2F raw minutes 22-09-2016

Flipchart Images

Meeting minutes, 2016-09-12

Naming the standard

ODRL Information Model - editors update (6 Sept 2016)

On complex constraints

One by one, but not in bulk

poe-ACTION-22: Write use cases(s) for versioning needs

poe-ACTION-23: Please read section 4.5 of the information model to see if one duty applies to multiple permissions

poe-ACTION-24: Change name of properties with same name (with lowercase letter) of associated class

poe-ACTION-25: Provide an example of how good relations vocab support 'unit-of-count'

poe-ACTION-26: See property naming suggestions on page 3087 in

poe-ACTION-27: Review info model to support "annotation model" style examples

poe-ACTION-28: Define a new regulation policy type

poe-ACTION-29: Ask wg/cg - who is using plain xml?

poe-ACTION-30: Can we only have a json-ld serialisation? will it impact righstml?

poe-ACTION-31: Propose date/time for the virtual meeting in nov/dec

TPAC - WG Overview slides

W3C POE WG Teleconference (05 September 2016)

Last message date: Friday, 30 September 2016 02:55:35 UTC