from June 2007 by thread

CachingTest - completed initial implementation Laura Holmes (Friday, 29 June)

recent CVS updates Laura Holmes (Tuesday, 26 June)

Style Sheet Support Test question Abel Rionda (Tuesday, 26 June)

ACTION 515 -CSS stuff partially done Abel Rionda (Tuesday, 26 June)

Mobile Checker not working Miguel Garcia (Tuesday, 26 June)

No call again tomorrow? Sean Owen (Tuesday, 26 June)

CachingTest HTTP header re-request Laura Holmes (Monday, 25 June)

Locating document tidiness? Laura Holmes (Monday, 25 June)

Namespaces in Laura Holmes (Monday, 25 June)

EARL vs. our desired test results format Sean Owen (Tuesday, 19 June)

No call tomorrow? Sean Owen (Monday, 18 June)

ACTION-512 - Research getting line and column information from XPath Roland Gülle (Monday, 18 June)

ACTION-515: configuration Sean Owen (Monday, 18 June)

ACTION-513 done Sean Owen (Saturday, 16 June)

ACTION-511: line and column numbers from DOM Sean Owen (Saturday, 16 June)

ACTION-516 [CTF] Evaluate how hard it would be to produce XML out of CSS stylesheets using SAC Jo Rabin (Friday, 15 June)

[minutes] London F2F meeting, day 2 (June 13) Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 13 June)

Planning of F2F in September Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 13 June)

[minutes] London F2F Dat 1, June 12 Dominique Hazael-Massieux (Wednesday, 13 June)

moki transform example Roland Gülle (Tuesday, 12 June)

latest xmlproc module available? Hyucheol Kim (Tuesday, 12 June)

New start time is 12:30 tomorrow Sean Owen (Tuesday, 12 June)

Delayed! Sean Owen (Monday, 11 June)

Introducing Ms. Laura Holmes Sean Owen (Monday, 11 June)

Call tomorrow? Sean Owen (Monday, 4 June)

Proposed blog post about mobileOK Basic Tests implementation Sean Owen (Friday, 1 June)

Agenda for F2F in June Sean Owen (Friday, 1 June)

RE: VALID_MARKUP local DTD catalog Abel Rionda (Friday, 1 June)

Last message date: Friday, 29 June 2007 22:51:01 UTC