from January 2017 by subject

[mediacapture-depth] Add contribution guidelines to README

[mediacapture-depth] Change depth to MediaTrackConstraints

[mediacapture-depth] Fix #110: Intrinsics and extrinsics

[mediacapture-depth] Fix #137: Define unknown depth map value

[mediacapture-depth] Fix warnings of node build.js

[mediacapture-depth] Improve examples

[mediacapture-depth] Issue 134 drop redundant xdm reference

[mediacapture-depth] Issue 136 value when muted

[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: Add contribution guidelines to README

[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: Change depth to MediaTrackConstraints

[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: Update after executing node build.js

[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: Use data-cite for automatic cross-referencing

[mediacapture-depth] Should we do depth-video synchronization in browser, in JS, in both, what's v1 and what's v2?

[mediacapture-depth] Use data-cite for automatic cross-referencing

[mediacapture-depth] WebRTC CI system

[mediacapture-fromelement] Address HTML validation errors

[mediacapture-fromelement] Convert mediacapture-fromelement to Bikeshed

[mediacapture-fromelement] Migrate spec text to bikeshed.

[mediacapture-fromelement] Pull Request: Migrate spec text to bikeshed.

[mediacapture-image] Add a way to get stream raw pixels

[mediacapture-image] Convert mediacapture-image to Bikeshed

[mediacapture-image] Fixing browser logo links

[mediacapture-image] getPhotoCapabilities vs getCapabilities

[mediacapture-image] is grabFrame necessary?

[mediacapture-image] Migrate IC spec to Bikeshed

[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Fixing browser logo links

[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Migrate IC spec to Bikeshed

[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Use constrainable pattern for ImageCapture (#124)

[mediacapture-image] Update examples if and when using Constrainable Pattern modus operandi.

[mediacapture-image] Use constrainable pattern for ImageCapture (#124)

[mediacapture-image] Use DOMPoint instead of Point2D?

[mediacapture-image] Use partial MediaStreamTrack instead of separate ImageCapture interface

[mediacapture-main] Allow getConstraints to return semantically equivalent constraint object

[mediacapture-main] Browser's ability to dynamically change settings mistakenly removed

[mediacapture-main] Clarify when and where devicechange events fire.

[mediacapture-main] Define restrictions on device-info permission.

[mediacapture-main] Devicechange events when not focus - permitted or forbidden?

[mediacapture-main] Do we update legacy methods to keep up with the spec?

[mediacapture-main] Iframe sandboxing options for gUM

[mediacapture-main] Implementation Suggestions section needs review

[mediacapture-main] Move "advanced" out of the Constrainable pattern

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by alvestrand

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by burnburn

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Allow getConstraints to return semantically equivalent constraint object

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Require all constraints to be satisfied when settings are changed

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Updating text on whether context object is allowed to request access.

[mediacapture-main] Require all constraints to be satisfied when settings are changed

[mediacapture-main] Revive createObjectURL?

[mediacapture-main] Specify that getSettings omits non-applicable settings

[mediacapture-main] Updating text on whether context object is allowed to request access.

[mediacapture-output] Add explainer document

[mediacapture-record] Add a `MediaRecorderOption` to force a given source video frame rate

[mediacapture-record] Add MediaRecorderOptions.forceVideoFrameRate (#113)

[mediacapture-record] Bugs in isTypeSupported() example

[mediacapture-record] Convert mediacapture-record spec to bikeshed

[mediacapture-record] homogeneise the html markup

[mediacapture-record] Migrate MR spec to Bikeshed #106

[mediacapture-record] Pr f correct to fire links

[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Add MediaRecorderOptions.forceVideoFrameRate (#113)

[mediacapture-record] Pull Request: Migrate MR spec to Bikeshed #106

[mediacapture-record] Reconsider isTypeSupported() API

[mediacapture-screen-share] Disable Local Echo

Closed: [mediacapture-depth] Change depth to MediaTrackConstraints

Closed: [mediacapture-depth] Need an invalid value

Closed: [mediacapture-depth] Should we do depth-video synchronization in browser, in JS, in both, what's v1 and what's v2?

Closed: [mediacapture-depth] The XDM reference and related text should be removed

Closed: [mediacapture-depth] Value when muted

Closed: [mediacapture-fromelement] Address HTML validation errors

Closed: [mediacapture-image] Add a way to get stream raw pixels

Closed: [mediacapture-image] Convert mediacapture-image to Bikeshed

Closed: [mediacapture-image] getPhotoCapabilities vs getCapabilities

Closed: [mediacapture-image] is grabFrame necessary?

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Browser's ability to dynamically change settings mistakenly removed

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Clearly mark the "Implementation Suggestions" section as normative or not

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Iframe sandboxing options for gUM

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Move "advanced" out of the Constrainable pattern

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Specify relation between return from getConstraints and constraints argument

Closed: [mediacapture-record] Bugs in isTypeSupported() example

Closed: [mediacapture-record] Convert mediacapture-record spec to bikeshed

Closed: [mediacapture-record] homogeneise the html markup

Closed: [mediacapture-record] Update Event usage and remove DOMError in favour of e.g. MediaRecorderErrorEvent

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2017 20:47:03 UTC