from October 2013 by subject

Beginning work on an official Web Access Control spec.

Created actions for meeting resolutions Sept 17 - Oct 21 inclusive

ISSUE-81 Suggested Name Changes

ISSUE-81: Confusing membership* predicate names and other possible improvements

LDP Agenda for 21 October

LDP Agenda for 28 October

LDP agenda for October 14

LDP agenda for October 7

LDP Best Practices Question

LDP Minutes for 14 October

LDP minutes for 21 October

LDP minutes for 28 October

LDP Minutes for October 7


paging in editor's draft

Proposal: change 5.3.5 SHOULD to MUST

Proposal: change following to informative

Proposal: changes to 5.6.2 (container delete)

Proposal: normative changes for profiles

Proposal: normative changes for profiles - 4.5.7 thread

Proposal: normative changes for profiles - replacement

Proposals for PUT ignoring triples ACTION-93

pubrules and ReSpec

PUT to create, was Re: Proposal: normative changes for profiles

Question regarding Example 6 in the spec

ReSpec and Pubrules

strawman for informal feedback on splitting of constraints that differ for vanilla vs chocolate cases

the state of ldp-patch, and a procedural proposal

Last message date: Thursday, 31 October 2013 21:53:33 UTC